Now she comes back to visit and during her visits she works with me. I took over her cleaning business when she retired. She is now 70 years old but acts like a 50 year old. She has a ton of energy and nobody can believe she is that old. I hope I get those genes to be very active as I age.

Friday after we finished working we met up with my sister Chris, who also lived in Boise and went to lunch and shopping. Then we were going to go see Australia but it started at 8:10 pm and is a 3 hour movie. Chris decided that she didn't want to go that late so Mom came over and we went and rented some movies.

Mom and I decided to go to "Australia" on Saturday on the early showing. When we left she wanted to stop by the eye doctor and then go to the movie. I was rushing a bit and almost got in a wreck. Yes, it was my fault that I hurried and didn't see a car as I was turning into a lane (I hate that and felt bad as they pounded their horn at me). That kind of set a bad aura around me for the remainder of the drive to the eye doctor and then to the movie.
I thought the movie started at 3:10 but when we walked in to the movie it was already going - it actually started at 2:50 so we missed the whole beginning. The dread continued to rise as we tried to find a seat in a small auditorium full of people. We saw this one isle where there was one seat at the beginning of the row and one at the end -so we went there and I scooted in front of 2 ladies to take the end seat and my Mom took the isle seat.
One of the ladies purse was in my seat and it took a while for me to get seated - while blocking the people in back of me as the movie was going. THEN...... My mother fell down in the isle of the theater - cracked her head on the arm of the seat - spilled her purse. I was cringing by this time.
I couldn't go help her without getting in up again - so the two ladies helped her and then they all change seats so Mom could sit by me. I was mortified, concerned for my Mom and her fall, getting the show time wrong, causing a commotion, almost getting in a wreck - I had a real hard time getting into the movie. Since we missed the first part - I was lost. I DID like it - but can't give a full report because I was having a really difficult time.
It comes out today on DVD and I'm going to rent it - and hopefully get the whole story without all the drama.

Oh and my Mom gave me a really nice curling iron - the real expensive ones from the beauty store in the mall. I love this particular curling iron and love having a new one!! Birthday's are fun - except the getting older part :D.
It is REALLY cute!! Thanks Scrappy Girl for thinking of me on my Birthday. I love homemade cards the best!
Tierra asked me what I do for Visiting Teaching. Here is my March kit I ordered. It's is CUTE! St. Patrick's LOVE with a Pinch Free pin.
I commented earlier.. and I don't think it went through.. If it did, just erase one of my comments..
Sondra... Again.. you amaze me.
After all of that bad luck.. I probably would have walked out.
I will wait for Australia on DVD my Tushie can barely make it through church.. let alone a movie theater for 3 hours..
I love your gifts. The card is cute. Hope you have a happy week!
We are still fence sitting about whether we are traveling or not this weekend.. We'll see...
Sounds like your outing went about like all mine do with 3 kids- CRAZY! BTW- I meant to tell you before if someone else didn't. Redbox movies are due back @ 9 the next evening no matter what time you rented them at. Thought I would give you a heads up before you rent 'Australia.' :)
what a tough week--car problems, and the movie mishaps--you deserve a break!
it does sound like you had a nice time w/your mom :)
I didn't realize you had your mom here for 2 weeks - How awesome is that!!
It is so discouraging when you have one of those "rain it pours" days. I hope your mom is OK after her fall too.
I can't wait to hear your review of Australia. I have been borderline about it, especially beause it is so long. I hope it is good I really like Nicole Kidman.
And your birthday continues - That just rocks!! Cute presents and Scrappy girls hippo card to you - cute!!
Oh my goodness. When it rains it pours!! I can't believe your mom cracked her head. Good grief. BUT...the good thing is, your birthday never ends. Fun, presents, family...lucky you.
Oh, I loved the "Secret Life of Bees." I read the book a quite a few years ago, and loved the book. I watched it with 3 16 year old girs, and I cryed to. So did they.
Have a good day.
Oh Hun! Those days just seem to never end and it just leaves you so upset becuase with each new thought you try to make it better but it just gets worse!
BUT I am glad to hear that your mom was able to stay with you for two whole weeks! I know i love it when i get visitors who stay over and it's like a long girlie slumber party. Your mom sounds like one sweet tough cookie and I love that she had that name before it was cool.
Again, thank you for the Visiting teaching helps. They are awesome and i spent a good hour just browsing and coming up with ideas.
Also, dont you just love after birthday gifts? They rock!
And let me know what you fully thought about the movie. I heard it came out today.
I am glad you like the card...I love that hippo! I can't wait to see Secret Life of looks so good. Sorry you had a bad day.
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