If you are newly married or have been married for a long long time - you need to watch this movie!
This movie is heaven sent. It has a great Christian message for any person, regardless of the religion they belong to - even if they don't belong to a religion. You can feel the spirit in this movie. Those people who put this together received this inspiration directly from Heavenly Father. The message is sooooo clear - we need to strengthen marriages and families!

They have a website associated with the movie .... http://www.fireproofyourmarriage.com/.

We Christian - all of us - all religions who believe in Jesus Christ need to support these types of Christian movies. The kind that inspire us to be better, live better and most importantly - invite our Savior to be part of our lives daily.
I hope you will all purchase a copy of this movie and share it's wonderful message. Truly - we need to inspire others around us with the gospel of Jesus Christ and strengthening Families.
I LOVED THIS MOVIE and you will too... You'll need a few tissues!
I thought this review of the movie was great too - check it out: http://homespunsimplicity.blogspot.com/2009/03/fireproof.html
Hi, Sondra, I don't mind at all that you linked to my post. I appreciate it. Thanks so much for writing. I agree with you---EVERYONE should see this movie! It's a must see!
God bless,
Hey Sondra,
I took your idea and rented a movie from the REDBOX the other night and rented the Australia movie. LOVED IT! I cried so hard.
But, then again I'm so hormonal LOL
So, I've heard RAVE reviews about Fireproof and it will be my next pick when I return the movie tonight. This was very inspiring review you gave and so I'm sure I'll love it!
Hope your having a really good weekend ! :D !
I Totally agree! I watched this movie with my husband few weeks ago and we like it to. We both were a bit teary. We decided that this is a must have movie for every bishop to have in their office.
My son is teaching a family that is struggling with their marriage, and I suggested to him in our last email, to have them watch this movie.
Have a great day
I'll add it to our list. It sounds good! Thanks for the recommendation!
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