Just call him, MR. Jason!! I am excited to report, my awesome son received a promotion in his job last week to supervisor!! I am such a proud mama! Jason has worked hard and has excellent customer service skills. He is a fast learner and always puts forth 110% of dedication and effort in every job he has had.
I am thrilled that in this economy he has been able to advance his career. He has a team that he is in charge of, to keep them motivated and on task each day! I know he can do it and succeed. I am really proud of him! Good Job Jason!!

This morning I checked on the seeds I planted Friday. I have a couple that have pushed through the soil and are growing.

To watch those seeds grow into plants is amazing! I'm excited that I was motivated to plant seeds to put in my garden and flower beds.

I know in my last blog, I didn't explain exactly what I did. I purchased some peat pots and filled with dirt and planted the seed. Some seeds were so small that I just put them on top of the soil. The rule is that you plant a seed the depth of the size of the seed it is. (most seeds just have a tiny layer of soil over them - don't plant too deep).

I saved some of the flower pots from last year and used these too. Filled with dirt and planted seeds. Then I placed them in a Ziploc bag to create a greenhouse effect. I have them on a card table in my craft room - which is a sunny room. I have two heating pads under the plants - that I rotate several times through the day to give them all a chance to warm up.
It's working, because some of the seeds are poking through the ground. I planted flowers and vegetables. Hopefully I will not have to purchase any vegetables.
This week is Geranium and Fuchsia week at Fred Meyers. The price is 4 plants for $3.00 - or $.75 each. I always purchase several flats of plants during this week. These are the Geraniums I plant in my berm. By the time it's warm enough, these starts are BIG and actually they seem to grow bigger and better then the bigger pots I sometimes need to purchase because I've ran out. This year, I hope to get enough to fill in all my pots and flower beds without having to get more later.
The rest of the flowers I will use in my flower beds are hopefully going to come from these seeds I just planted. As the weather starts to warm up, I am getting anxious to play in the dirt!
Way to go Jason I'm so proud of you
Where does Jason work at? I am sure he learned how to be a hard worker for you. Congrats on the promotion Jason!
Congrats to Jason - He looks like a super cool dude in that picture with his arms folded. :D
I do not doubt he is a hard worker if he is your son Sondra!
Love all your seeds coming up - it's like having little babies. So fun!
I'm sure that Jason really deserves it! SO, the seedlings really are growing fast! I am really surprised. Please keep us posted all season!!!
Great job Mr. Jason way to go! Look at your seeds. Rich and I did that last year and they all died when we took them outside due to the wind being so rough on them. I am sure you will have better luck. Your property is better protected then ours is. This year I am just going to try to get the seeds in the ground. We are also expanding our garden and going to get starts for strawberries. Yummy
Way to go Jason!!
He looked thrilled to have his picture taken.. Ha-ha..
Thanks for the explanation of the seeds.. I can see it's much cheaper to grow the seeds even.
Not sure I'm brave enough to do it this year.. We'll see what happens... I want to plant a garden! I am getting super exited!!
Congrats to Mr. Jason!
Supervisor = more $$$ !
I wish I had as much ambition as you do - very impressed.
Congrats to Mr. Jason.
I love all the little plants! Spring is here!
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