The problem I am re-evaluation is my addiction to spending hours and hours on the computer checking out every one's web page and leaving comments. I have become a lurker this week. I find that I am letting life pass me by as I sit at this computer and it has to change. I've made a wonderful scrap book / craft room that isn't being utilized because I am sitting at this computer.
I am going to scale back a bit. I will leave comments now and then, but I have decided that I need to limit my time to 1 hour of being on the computer per day. With spring here, I need to start walking, bike riding, working in the yard and living.
I will be lurking and visiting your blogs, and I will leave comments now and then - but I really need to scale back my hours and hours of living "on line". I hope you will understand.

Brady is feeling under the weather today. He hasn't missed a day of school for sickness in probably 5 years. It is very odd to have him tell me that he doesn't feel well enough for school. My 100% attendance boy has missed his streak - that is when I really know he is sick. Poor little guy!
This week while I was cleaning Norma's house I took out her garbage and noticed that it has been months since she has had it out for garbage pick up. I asked her when her garbage day was and that I would come and put her trash out. She was very happy!! She told me that she hasn't felt stable enough to get it to the curb and she doesn't want to fall.

This is what Boise Weekly had to say:
With blinding portable stage lights and a boom mike in hand, the popular Food Network show's host, Guy Fieri, and crew also covered six other area holes-in-the-wall, like the kitschy Donnie Mac's Trailer Park Cuisine and the Basque hangout Bar Gernika, as well as Westside Drive In, Rick's Press Room in Meridian, The Orchard House in Caldwell and the Kodiak Grill atop Highway 21 between Lucky Peak and Idaho City. Fieri says to look for the Boise episodes in about two months; featured shop owners should know the exact date in about a month. And expect these favorite Boise hideouts to be packed in the very near future.!

I'm excited to watch Guy Fieri's Boise hideouts show!
Happy Friday everyone!
Yeah - I understand about spending so much time on the computer. I try and do things in short increments. For example, I have to be totally ready before I get online. Then I have to clean for x amount until I get to check email, etc. It is hard, but you have to re-evaluate your priorities!!! I hope we can meet up next weekend!
Hi Sondra,
Although I will miss reading daily posts, I fully understand cutting back on computer time. You are the 5th blog that I go to daily that has said the exact same thing, so you are not alone.
I feel bad for Brady that he is under the weather and has missed school :(
It was very sweet of you to bring Brady to help you take out Norma's garbage. Norma must just love you!
Janel in NJ
I'm glad to hear that you getting back to the things you love. I cann't wait for it to dry enough to work in the yard.
So glad you got your door fixed.
I knew if you would ask some one would help.
Thanks for all the time we shared it was great. I did get the craft room painted and ready to finished
hopefuly it will happen soon
Love Mom
I agree about spending time on the computer. I spend way to much time on the computer and I prbably need to stop.
I spend less and less time on the computer the warmer the weather gets:)
Taylor stayed home sick today too.
Hope Brady is feeling better.
Yep! totally know all about being MIA. For me, I now have a system, I comment to those who comment to me first and then later at night, just before bed I go to those who have a new post that has popped up on my dashboard. Maybe that will help, if you find your own post/comment routine.
Id Love to see your new craft room!!! Take Care and I hope you had a good Monday!
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