By keeping everything picked up each day, her house would be in order by 10 am each day and she had the rest of the day to do the things she enjoyed. Now remember that was back in the 1950-60's when she didn't have all the luxuries we enjoy each day.
From her example, I have also learned these tricks. I never go to bed unless my dishes are done and usually always run my dishwasher each night. I walk around the house and make sure everything is picked up before I head to bed. When I wake up and my children have been fed, the dishwasher gets emptied and my boys put their dishes in the dishwasher.
One of the ways I was able to get my boys to make their beds each day was to start a competition. We would all see who could make their bed the fastest. We would start next to our beds and then say - ready, set go and start making our bed. It made this chore easier and making my boys enjoy making their beds first thing in the morning. They had to make their beds correctly to get past the "mom" inspection to win :-). It takes us maybe 2 minutes when they are made each day!
My goals is when I leave for work each morning, my house would be clean and every bed is made. I usually put a load of clothes in the washer before I leave for work, so that when I get home I can put it in the dryer. (a blog about how I do laundry is here)
Who would want to come home from a busy day at work to a messy house that you had to tackle after working all day long. Not me! Or who wouldn't want to have a clean house by 10 am each day to enjoy the rest of the day doing the things you enjoy? (if you are a stay at home mom?)
My challenge to you is to try these techniques this week and see if it makes your life easier too.
Comments are always appreciated. What are some of the tricks you've learned from your mom or that you do to keep your household running smoothly?
Comments are always appreciated. What are some of the tricks you've learned from your mom or that you do to keep your household running smoothly?
I loved this post! I am loving the pictures of your Mother in her Apron. Oh I would totally frame those in some chic vintage frames, and they would be in my kitchen! Love it!
It's funny about your post, because a few years ago, I found that my huge mess would only take 15-20 minutes to clean up, and after that I try to ALWAYS run the dishwasher at night. Notice I said TRY. It doesn't always work that way-- but most of the time!
I fold my laundry at night on my bed while I watch my DVR shows. It goes by quickly, and I can pause it to put the items away.. Love it!
I am enjoying your cleaning posts!
and all of the adorable pictures!
I have found that if things are org
I hate to admit this but I have gotten lazier as I have, or as the kids have...gotten older.
I was pretty demanding with the housework when the kids were all little because there was just so much to do and if I didn't stay on top of it I would have such a mess on my hands.
Now I have to admit I do get lazy and leave the dishes sometimes and don't always worry about the beds, etc...
The bad thing is if someone stops by without warning and I am scrambling to get things picked up - ha ha.
I need to really be more disciplined again.
I am enjoying all your cleaning tips!
I love this blog :) What a happy post :) These cleaning tips are just the motivation I need to get started! I'm going to refer my sisters to this site :)
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