I asked Brady to write his thoughts about watching the inauguration of President Obama. Luckily he finally said yes and sat down and typed away. Please post a comment and let him know what you thought about his guest post.

This is the picture of President Obama that Brady picked out. Hope... yes, we all have Hope!

You know, when It comes to my opinion on this whole Barack Obama topic, I think that my mom would be somewhat right on the issue, but mostly crazy.(I already know that she is going to make a response to this blog, mainly about why she thinks I'm wrong about what I think about her or how uninformed I am, but she wanted me to do this, so the blood is on her hands). I'm just going to pick out things directly from her blog that I agree with and don't agree with.
I for one, am more with Obama then against him, unlike my mother. I think that our nation wants him as a president of the United States, why should I stand against it. I think it's weird when I said I didn't like Bush and my mom had a conniption fit, but now my mom says she doesn't like Obama and, well, I guess when a moms right she's right...(swirls eyes). I think that he will be a good president because the nation wants him to be their president, and if the nation is counting on him, he has a big responsibility to hold in order to keep the people happy. That should help shape any president I think. So far, like my mom, he hasn't given me reason to hate him.
Another thing, just because his birth certificate has not been presented, that doesn't mean that he is not American. I mean, I know that if I was moving out of my moms house, I don't think that it would cross my mind to ask for a birth certificate to take with me in case I decide to become president of the United States one day. Especially if I was 40, I don't think I would care, or know were it is (well, I would know it's in a scrap book but I'm pretending I'm a person with a more normal mom.) I don't think either, that some deranged immigrant would want to be over the United States by becoming president. To me that dream would be a little out there... and I think that person must of hit his head a little to hard to win over half of the nation.
I don't know why he didn't wear the flag pin on his shirt that one day, but I think that whatever my mom was reading, could of exaggerated the fact that he refused to wear it because he is embarrassed of the United States. (my mom has a tendency, in my mind of course, to read things that aren't very accurately informed and maybe exaggerated, like talk radio, the people who say that global warming was going to dramatically change the earth and we couldn't grow plants, and we would become cannibals and all die. That's a true story, but she and I know that's not going to happen, but what other stuff might she read or hear that she might believe that's not true?)
I think my mom's mind blocks out parts of the messages that she doesn't want to hear also. She says that all of the sudden, people are happy to be an American. What I think people are really happy for is that we were about to go into a depression with the stock market crashing with the 700 points and then an immediate continual drop after that. I think that it scared some people, but Obama says that he is going to try and fix our nation, and that reassures people and reminds them that they are happy and grateful to be part of this wonderful nation.
I don't like the fact, (actually agreeing with my mom here) that Obama wants to raise taxes for the wealthy and reduce taxes for the poor. I understand if your struggling with all this debt that you have on this gamble that you did with the houses, but hey you were gambling, and nothing good ever came out of gambling. For other low class citizens, I think that they are lazy, or don't deserve to have what Obama wants to offer, because they lost all of their stuff to various addictions. I think if someone wanted to try and make their life better, and put all the effort into making it happen, they could pull it off eventually, if not immediately. Instead of giving money to the poor and taking it from the rich, why doesn't he just put all of the effort into something productive, like trying to get more job opportunities around the nation. That would also make not just the citizens of the United States happier, but also make us a stronger and more powerful nation, with a bigger GDP. (Gross Domestic Product)
Last semester at school, I was in a global perspective class. They are full of Obama lovers and democrats, along with information about what socialist counties are. There was a girl in the class that asked, "Mrs.(name hidden), why are people saying that Obama is going to turn our nation into a socialist nation?" She said something like I have said earlier, that someone needs to take more control over our government and fix the whole stock market issue. I only got reassured by this when Obama said in his inauguration, that he was going to do that, (was about the only thing he talked about actually). Another reason why I don't think that we can become a socialist nation is that I think that he has to come flat out to the United states and say that we are going to turn into a socialist nation. I don't think he can tweak the nation rules around to make it otherwise. I also think that if he says that we are going to become a socialist nation, that we are going to break out in a revolution, just like China did when they were transferring into their socialist nation. If that happened, well, it wouldn't be good for the nation or him, so I think that it would be stupid of him to do that, and that's why I don't think he is going to.
I think that Obama and his whole, anti gun issues are bad to. (also agreeing with my mom). I understand stopping the war, and bring piece and love to other nations, but I don't think that he should have the right to take it to the next level and take away our guns because they harm people. I heard from my dad that if Obama takes away our guns, some people can not defend themselves against bad guys with guns, and though he might of taken away our guns, the bad guys will always have guns.
To rap this whole blogging thing up, something that escaped my mind is that I think it was a good thing that we got to see the inauguration at school. It was a good experience for us to see what they do. I think that they should do it every 4 years at the high schools only, because that means you only see it once while attending high school. I think that they should have done it with the other presidents. Just because they didn't do it with the last presidents, doesn't mean that it's a bad thing to do. I thought that it was a good experience, no matter what people reasons were for having us watch it.
I hope you see that I'm not completely like my mom, more normal (smiles.)