I've received Brady's new pictures! As I was changing the picture in the frame on my wall, I noticed the other couple of years inside the frame. It's amazing how fast your children grow. If we could only hold on to those younger years and cherish them day by day. It all goes so very fast, too fast for a Mom. I thought I'd post his pictures per year and watch him grow into the young man he is today.
First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade
First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade
Eighth Grade
Ninth Grade
Holy Smokes! Look how he's grown. I can officially say he is not my little boy anymore. He has grown into quite the young man. Brady is one who consistently takes great pictures. It has been a pleasure watching him grow and being his Mom. It took me back, as I looked for his pictures. Remembering all those precious moments as he has grown. It all seems like it only took a moment...... all to fast!!!!! The only sad thing is that soon he will be graduated from High School, off to College, off on his mission and then married to the girl of his dreams.Sob, sob.... I can't seem to bare it at the moment.... The days rushing by... I need to slow down and really enjoy each moment, breath, memory and experience before they are gone from my day to day life and on to his own grown up life.
I think I appreciated the moments more with Brady. I've been able to stay home more and be his Mom, because I'm self employed now. I've cherished it more, with Jason it went by so fast. I learned that with the 10 year age difference. But, "sigh" it does go quick!
Sondra - Thank you for leaving that message for me on my blog! :) I am glad you found me. I am not on my computer (because our internet service is not hooked up at our new place yet) so when I get on my own computer I am going to put your blog site on my favorites so I can check up on you every once in a while.
Sondra you are a wonderful person and I will miss you! Our move happened so quickly so we didn't really get a chance to say goodbye but it makes it easier in some ways. :)
OH and by the way... I am TOTALLY a Twilighter!!! :) Are you planning on going to the midnight showing when the movie comes out? You will have to let me know! :)
Cute pictures! I loved the "flashback" through the years.
I'm grateful you said time goes by so fast, because some days with my little ones, it seems like it's going to be forever hearing crying/whining, and seeing tantrums.
Have a good day! :)
Today is school pic day for our 13 year old. They grow up quick...
I found ya while blog surfing for other Twilight fans. I finished Breaking Dawn 2 days ago. I can't wait for the movie either. It comes out the day before my bday!
Happy Thursday!
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