Today, cross country teams across the city competed in the City Meet at Eagle Island. It was a great day for the race! Look at all of the beautiful fall leaves in the back ground. I really am enjoying the mild autumn days we are having, plus a great day for the race. This is the last race Brady will be in for the season, next week is the state race but I don't know if anyone is attending from our team this year. Our team was quite small compared to some of the other schools, I believe we came in 3rd place in a couple of meets.
Brady and teammates warming up before the race.

Here are the runners for the JV Boys team. Quite a lot from the city schools. Ready, Set, GO! (Bang goes the gun)...
Ooop's someone tripped within the first 100 feet... (Bang, Bang and the runners stop).. Let's start again... Ready, Set, GO! BANG! and they are off!

A shot of Brady along the trail. You can see that he is still quite a bit smaller then the other runners. Freshman vs... sophomores, juniors and seniors.... He'll continue to grow and watch out by the time he is a senior. He really holds his own - compared to these taller and older runners.

After the race.... You can see the shine of the sweat on Brady. This is the first time I was able to get a spot at the finish. The runners were spent.... exhausted... and some even throwing up... I couldn't believe how it was - especially the girls - so many throwing up at the end of the race. They really push themselves so very hard. Wow!

Back at our tented area after the race ... some of the team discussing their times, how they did AND drinking water. Brady finished the race at his personal best for the year at 21 minutes and 11 seconds. I have really enjoyed watching him compete this year. It's been a blast!

As discussed in a previous blog, Tuesday night Brady had a choir concert. The pictures aren't that great due to the lighting and because I am so far away. Zooming my camera makes it kind of blurry in this lighting. I really enjoyed the Fall Concert. The director (teacher) is Jack Brown.
The New Dimensions Jazz Choir started the show (below). They had 2 guitarists and a drummer with their choir. The solos were awesome. They sang: " 'S Wonderful" and "The Night We Called It A Day". This was by far my favorite group of the night. It was the best!

Next the
Filias Concordiae Treble Choir (below)... What a name - but I took it right from the program. They sang: "Sing Alleluia, Sing", "
Sanctus" and "The Tiger".

Next was Brady's Choir - the Concert Choir (below). You can see Brady right up from the music from the Piano Player - very blurry... Oh, Well. Plus, Mr. Jack Brown stood right where I could NOT see Brady during their songs... Which was a little frustrating for me.. I like to see my guy.....

The Concert Choir sang: "
Confitemini Domino", "The Wind" and"God's Gonna Build Up Zion's Wall"

The last choir was "A
Cappella Choir". They sang: "Sing Praises", "Deep River" and "Gloria".

I was pretty surprised at the music selections. Mr. Brown is from the south - like Georgia and really grew up on Southern Gospel Music - which he loves. The music they sang really reflected the teacher's musical taste. It really was wonderful... and I love spiritual music!! It just was surprising that he could really have the children sing spiritual music from a school. Usually that is a huge taboo with all the politics associated with anything you do now days. You always have to be politically correct.. Well, I for one was very happy with the music. It was a great evening.
Just a side note... this is Brady's first year in any type of choir. With his musical abilities, I really forced him to take choir. I really hope that he will take it all the way through high school and be in the musical plays throughout his years. I'd love it if he makes the Jazz Choir in the future.