
Copyright © 2008 Happy Clean Living

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Weight Loss Journey Week 10

This is my last week of the SparkPeople X-Weight Challenge!!! 

I lost 4 pounds last week! Woo HOO!

I was the biggest loser again this week - overall and for my team!

Week 7 results for X-Weight Challenge:

8.3 pounds Weight Loss 
13,385 Cardio Minutes 
3831 Strength Training Minutes 

199.6 pounds Weight Loss 
103,847 Cardio Minutes 
26,992 Strength Training Minutes 

4.0 - THINK2BFIT (Sondra)

Here is how my team did!

2ND PLACE - Cruisin' For Losin' 

-0.08% Weight Loss 
2.8 Pounds Lost 
59.0 Total Pounds Lost to Date 
14 Members reporting in 
5 Losers 
-1.74% Total Starting Weight Lost to Date 
Biggest Loser 4.0 - THINK2BFIT 
ATC 1299 

2 Weekly Place 4,566 Weekly Minutes Cardio 
3 Overall Place 33,053 Accum Cardio Minutes to Date 

3 Weekly Place 901 Weekly Minutes ST 
3 Overall Place 7585 Accum ST Minutes to Date 

3 Weekly Place 1299 ATC points 
3 Overall Place 4249 ATC points to Date 

Here was my nutrition this past week - I'm still staying in my calorie range.
In preparation to exiting the X-Weighted Challenge this week, I've joined another walking team called VirtualWalking4Fun team. On this team we go for a virtual walk on a trail. I'll put in the distance I've walked daily and it will move me along the trail giving me pictures of what I'd see if I were really there. 

I'm virtually walking the Pacific Crest Trail. I wonder how long it will take me to go from Mexico to Canada. 
 Anything to keep me motivated to meet my goals is great. 
I probably mentioned that I joined the 10K Steps A Day Team. Here are my steps for May that I have logged:
May 1: 8095 steps - 3.39 miles 
May 2: 9221 steps - 3.86 miles 
May 3: 9498 steps - 4.04 miles 
May 4: 9412 steps - 3.98 miles 
May 5: 10,924 steps - 4.63 miles (date joined team and challenge) 
May 6: 10,095 steps - 4.27 miles 
May 7: 10,321 steps - 4.39 miles 

May 8: 16,593 steps - 7.07 miles (great day!) 
May 9: 15,587 steps - 6.64 miles 
May 10:15,632 steps - 6.66 miles 
May 11:15,667 steps - 6.67 miles 
May 12:11,814 steps - 5.03 miles 
May 13:11,884 steps - 5.06 miles 
May 14:15,590 steps - 6.64 miles 

May 15: 10,468 steps - 4.46 miles 
May 16: 10,768 steps - 4.58 miles 
May 17: 16,392 steps - 6.98 miles 
May 18: 10,718 steps - 4.56 miles 
May 19: 13,158 steps - 5.60 miles 
May 20: 13,036 steps - 5.55 miles 

These goals make me want to move my body. It's exciting to see how many steps I can do. It also is amazing at how many steps other team members log. Some do 20K - 30K daily - Wow!

The best part of logging my Weight Loss Journey is that it is keeping me motivated. I'm still going strong and am motivated to reach the end of my goal. I'm feeling strong and great! I can do this for the long run.

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