After the family event at Kevin and Kayla's open house, we decided not to stick around and went and played miniature golf at Wahooz. It was sooo much fun!
Richard was the winner!!!
You can only play 4 people per team so we had to divide up into 3 groups. I only have the score sheet for 2 groups (I didn't get Zoey Michelle, Brandon's and Dawson's sheet)
Brady was the winner!
Zoey Michelle took pictures with her phone and I am totally stealing them off of her blog (with permission of course)
During Faith and
Tymber's talk of teenage woes, they had decided that Faith would have to
sleepover with Tymber at Aunt Sondra's along with playing a round of miniature
golf. Aunt Sondra is just the coolest Aunt and are cousins are awesome too, so
we agreed. But we had to rush back to Nampa to grab her stuff.
Well, once Zoey and Brandon arrived at my house, she says she was "BAMBOOZLED" into going miniature golfing. Kate was
playing with cousins in Nampa. So Zoey and family tried to hurry through their game while having fun. We went in 3 separate groups but the teenagers got a couple of groups
Dawson before

Our coolest Aunt
Sondra (says Zoey Michelle and kids)
And here we go!
Zoey Michelle and Dawson
Brandon and Zoey Michelle
Brandon doing his
best to win!
Brady, Autumn,
Faith, and Tymber (with scary eyes)
Richard, Rhonda,
and Sondra
Rhonda and
Zoey Michelle
Big D - he almost
got a hole in one. When it didn't go in, he looked like he was going to break
the club over his knee. I guess it comes natural in this sport.

It was a very fun night. The last hole either shoots out water on you for a miss or fire out the top for a hole in one. Very clever and so much fun! Zoey Michelle said on her blog: Thank you cool family for being such good sports and letting me take pictures from my phone!
It was a lot of fun, except we had some girls behind us that weren't very patient as we enjoyed the evening together. They kept "pushing" us to go faster and kept playing their balls before we were done. Their parents were in a group behind them. We started to get kind of mad at the girls after continually telling them to wait until we were off the green for them to go. Then their mother started to get in our face to be a little nicer because they were just kids - like we hadn't been nice through more then half of the course. I didn't back down and let her talk to us that way and explained what we had been going through that whole night. They finally made their girls behave and quit bothering us. I'm glad I stood up for ourselves and didn't back down by this rude mom and her kids. It kind of put a damper in the whole enjoyment of being together with out of town family and enjoying a game of miniature golf.
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