I watched the news reports on the weather and the roads and finally made the decision to stay home and get an airplane ticket for Brady to return home.
Below is a map of the road conditions in Idaho today.
_____Driving Conditions Good
_____Driving Conditions Fair
____Driving Conditions Difficult
There have been lots and lots of slide offs and major accidents.
Tuesday afternoon when I finally made the decision to stay home, I had a calm, peaceful feeling come over me. The first time I felt calm in over a week. I know the right thing for me to do is stay home.
I will be making Thanksgiving Dinner here. Brady flies in Friday afternoon and Jason and Sharon are off work. We will have a nice feast and enjoy the day together on Friday. That gives me Thursday to make pies and other goodies, plus a little more time to thaw out a turkey.
I am really sad that I won't be seeing my family and helping my mother make dinner. It is nice to know that I am the glue that holds the family together or as they say "the life of the party" and that I will be missed. I always love being with my brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, and great nieces and nephews. We always have a great time together. Plus, they love my homemade dinner rolls. This year Mom will have to make the rolls - she can do it!
Although plans have changes, it will be a nice Thanksgiving holiday with my children here and good food. We have been very blessed this year and I have a lot to be thankful for.
I'm especially thankful that I have the gift of the Holy Ghost and know that a calm peaceful feeling is a prompting from the Holy Ghost. I just need to recognize it earlier. I am safe and not out on those dangerous roads. I'd rather be safe then sorry.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families - especially my Family. I love you all!
I will miss you, but man, don't the roads look terrible?!?!
At least you won't be dealing with the snowy, blocked roads! Have a Happy Thanksgiving, what ever day you celebrate it!
Yes, the roads have been horrid! Good decision to stay at home.
I am in the ER all day on Thanksgiving so our family will be celebrating on Friday as well. But I won't be making delicious homemade rolls...I'm a total failure in that department, uh, and I ordered two pies from Frontier Pies...not great in that one either.
Hope you have a fabulous day tomorrow doing your food preps!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I think we need to learn to trust that inner voice. I know that I am so happy when I do. Sometimes, we are lucky enough to see why, and sometimes we don't know why we feel that way, we only know it is right. I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing, memorable day at home! Happy Thanksgiving.
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