Here is a look at my shopping deals today from Albertsons.
Total spent: $53.41
Total Saved: $65.45
What I purchased:
Chicken Breasts w/bone in $1.49 a pound. I purchased 8 packages of two breasts. Total spent $25.38
Total savings on the chicken breasts: $16.98
6 cans of Starkist tuna 3 for $.99 or 33 cents each.
4 packages of cereal - they were 50 cents each.
Downy Fabric Softener on clearance for $5.00. I had a $1 off coupon which was doubled. Cost is $3
Tide on sale for $9.99. I had a $1 off coupon which was doubled. Cost $7.99 for 100 oz.
Tide Stain Release, qty 2 for $9.99 each. I had a $3 off coupon for both of them. Cost each $6.99
2 Pantene Shampoo On sale for $3.49 each. I had a $1 off coupon which was doubled. Cost $2.49 each
(this was a splurge for me - I usually use Suave)
I also had a $10 P&G catalina from a purchase last week on Tide (while it was on sale) that I used today.
I received another one on my next purchase. Woo Hoo.
Some great deals you make for yourself - good job!
Couponing again I see! Way to go!
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