Temples are literally houses of the Lord. They are holy places of worship where the Lord may visit. Only the home can compare with temples in sacredness.
Throughout history, the Lord has commanded His people to build temples. Today the Church is heeding the Lord’s call to build temples all over the world, making temple blessings more available for a great number of our Heavenly Father’s children.
Ordinances for the Living
The principal purpose of temples is to provide the ordinances necessary for our exaltation in the celestial kingdom. Temple ordinances lead to the greatest blessings available through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. All we do in the Church—our meetings and activities, our missionary efforts, the lessons we teach and the hymns we sing—should point us to the Savior and the work we do in holy temples.
One ordinance we receive in the temple is the endowment. The word endowment means “gift,” and the temple endowment truly is a gift from God. The ordinance consists of a series of instructions and includes covenants we make to live righteously and comply with the requirements of the gospel. The endowment helps us focus on the Savior, His role in our Heavenly Father’s plan, and our commitment to follow Him.
Another temple ordinance is celestial marriage, in which husband and wife are sealed to one another for eternity. A sealing performed in the temple continues forever if the husband and wife are faithful to the covenants they make.

This is Brady outside the Twin Falls, Idaho temple. He was able to tour the temple before it was dedicated to the Lord.

I consider the Salt Lake City, Utah temple - "My Temple". This is the temple I went to the first time to take out my own endowments and to be married. I was married on April 6, 1993.

I really loved this picture showing a mother with her children and the temple in the back ground. I treasure the thought of being linked or sealed together forever. To have my children with me after we die in heaven is such a great blessing.
This is a picture of the day I was married with my little guy - Jason. Jason was finally sealed to me and my ex-husband (sorry about the "ex" there). Even though I am divorced, I am still sealed to my children and have the promise that I can have an eternal family when I die. I don't think I will be with my ex-husband (even though I am still sealed to him) in heaven. I believe my Father in Heaven will let me be happy and there are lots of men in heaven who have died in wars and such that don't have wives. I know there is a wonderful man in heaven for me - if I never get the opportunity to marry again in this lifetime.

This is the Boise, Idaho temple that I can attend anytime I want to. It is a place to reflect on heavenly things. Things that really matter in life. I love the peaceful, spiritual feelings I have when I attend the temple. My time there always renews my spirit and I feel closer to my Savior, Jesus Christ and my Heavenly Father.

This is the Boise, Idaho temple that I can attend anytime I want to. It is a place to reflect on heavenly things. Things that really matter in life. I love the peaceful, spiritual feelings I have when I attend the temple. My time there always renews my spirit and I feel closer to my Savior, Jesus Christ and my Heavenly Father.
I am very thankful we have temples on the earth. That we have the authority from Heavenly Father to perform ordinances that seal us together forever.
One of my favorite primary songs is "I love to see the temple" here are the words:
I love to see the temple. I'm going there someday
To feel the Holy Spirit, To listen and to pray.
For the temple is the house of God, A place of love and beauty.
I'll prepare myself while I am young; This is my sacred duty.
I love to see the temple, I'll go inside someday.
I'll covenant with my Father, I'll promise to obey.
For the temple is a holy place, where we are sealed together.
As a child of God, I've learned this truth, A Family is forever.
Here is a re-cap of my thankful November journal:
11-1: I am thankful for living in a free country
11-2: I am thankful for our beautiful world
11-3: The blessings of having a grateful heart
11-4: I am thankful for the freedom to vote
11-5: I am thankful for fire fighters
11-6: I am thankful for music which calms my soul
11-7: I am thankful for the young men's program and for their service.
11-8: I am thankful for the scriptures
11-9: I am thankful for a living prophet
11-10: I am thankful for my Savior, Jesus Christ and his atoning sacrifice for me.
11 -11: I am thankful for blogging friends and for blogging awards - woo hoo!
11-12: I am thankful for Temples.
What great pictures!
This post made me a little bit sad. I have a goal to go to the temple at least once a month, and we as a RS presidency are supposed to be there tonight together. Well, they will be there- but without me. My cold is soo bad. ~ And although I so desire to be there, it's not fair for me to spread my germs.. :)
The SL temple is My favorite temple also!
1993? I was married to my first husband in November 1994. Strange that it was only 1 year apart!
You look so beautiful in your dress! I love to see old photos!
Thanks for your thoughts today!
Sondra - Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the temple. I find great peace and serenity there. You might like to read What is an Endowment?.
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