On June 18th we sent a suitcase with Grandma to Pocatello so that Brady didn't have to take everything on the flight to Idaho Falls. We sent his bedding (sheets, blanket, pillow), his scriptures, a towel, swimming suit, swimming shoes, personal toiletries... basic stuff..
On June 20th and 21st he was in Salt Lake City visiting his Dad for Father's Day. He flew out Saturday morning and flew back Sunday evening.
On June 24th we were able to meet with our Bishop and get Brady a temple recommend to do Baptisms during AFY at the Rexburg Temple. On June 27th the Youth in our ward did Baptisms in the Boise Idaho Temple at 6:15 am. Then they took the youth out to breakfast. I was glad that Brady was able to attend before he left for AFY.

Rhonda told me that they had a great weekend with Brady. All of Autumn's friends think he is sooooo hot... Giggle! This is the email Rhonda sent me about the weekend:
Brady kept hiding last night and scaring the crap out of Autumn. He would jump out at her downstairs and yell and she would start screaming. Then they would just crack up laughing. It was soooo funny.
I am sure they were having a great time. He called me Saturday night and they were giggling and playing Rock Band. They are very close cousins and are connected at the hip when we are together.

I dropped Autumn and Katie off on the side of the dorm with their counselor and left them.
I wanted to go see their room but needed to find Brady's. It was on the other side of campus. We arrived there 10 min late and the office was closed so he couldn't get his key to his dorm room. There was a phone number to call but they didn't answer. Since I had his room number we went to find it.
We walked up 3 flights of stairs and found an AFY coordinator. He had a master key and let Brady in his room. It was tiny 2 beds (cots) and a little closet and desk type deal. It smelled like dirty socks.
There were signs everywhere NO WOMEN ALLOWED. I told the counselor I was his mom and wasn't going to leave him until I knew he was checked in.
He took Brady to where everyone else was and helped me get his things from the car.
Then I left and had to try to find Katie and Autumn again. Katie left some stuff in the car as I was throwing them out on the side of the road. I found Katie and gave her the stuff she forgot, but didn't see Autumn.
I am sure they will have a great time. They were very excited. I think we ruined poor Brady being in this noisy house with these girls, he is used to his quiet home. Then all the talk with Katie and Autumn on the way up. It was pretty funny.

Monday was check in at 1:00 pm, meet their counselor and group. Dinner, Devotional, then they did some AFY games and they end the night with a devotional with their counselor at 10:00 pm.
Autumn texted Rhonda Monday night and told her they were having an absolute blast.
They start each morning at 7:00 am with breakfast and scripture study. I am sure it will be a very fun and spiritual week.
Autumn texted at 6:30 Tuesday morning saying they were up and ready for the day. They were doing rope courses today that involved some heights but she was excited.

Final preparations are being made to welcome you to AFY, and we look forward to having you join us this June.
Eastern Idaho has experienced an especially cold, wet spring. The Lewis and Clark River Expeditions company, who guides our white water rafting trips, has requested that each youth who participates in the rafting trip be properly attired for these unusual weather conditions. To avoid the possibility of hypothermia, splash gear will be available for participants attending an OYA session in June. The splash gear keeps most of the water from the body, but it does not provide insulation. Please bring pants and shirt or long underwear to wear under the splash gear. Cotton fabric (such as sweatshirts, jeans, and t-shirts) is unsuitable for cold-weather rafting and is STRONGLY discouraged. The following fabrics provide an appropriate insulation barrier for cold-weather rafting:
· Polar Fleece
· Synthetic Fleece
· Wool
· Neoprene (or similar synthetic)
· Wet suit
Your safety is our main concern, and we appreciate your efforts in taking additional precautions.
I also told Brady to hold on tight and stay in the raft. If he didn't feel good about rafting on the river he could opt not to do it. I told him it was his decision. Autumn will text Rhonda after the rafting trip and we will be praying that all goes well.
Friday is the last day of AFY. They start off with breakfast, scripture study, devotional, testimoney meeting, lunch and closing ceremonies. It ends at 1:45 pm and my VERY nice sister in law - Aunt Rhonda will pick the kids up.
I am working Friday morning then will drive to Pocatello for the July 4th holiday and spend the weekend with my family. We will return Sunday and Brady starts Driver Training bright and early on Monday morning July 5th.
Jason and Sharon will be staying at my house to take care of my plants and home while I am gone. (they just said to have the kitchen stocked with lots of good food - LOL)