
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wedding Date is Set

You may recall that my ex-husband is getting married.

Maurice and Connie have received the temple clearance to get married. 
That was quick!
I am sure it was quick because of the nice letter I sent - LOL!
Approved in less then 2 months. 
The letter is here if you would like to read it. 

Sunday he sent us an email letting us know that he is getting married May 7, 2011.
In just 7 days.

Maurice always has SHORT engagements and notices.

With me it was 2 week engagement because Maurice wanted to get married on April 6th. 
April 6th is a significant day in the LDS church - AND - it was the 100th anniversary of the Salt Lake Temple. I was married in the Salt Lake Temple on the 100th anniversary AND it was the day I took out my own endowments, for THAT it was a good day. Also because we were sealed as a family with Jason and we had our sweet boy, Brady during our marriage.

When Maurice married Sharlynn it was a 2 week engagement. Our divorce was finalized on January 31 and he was married on February 14th - Valentines day. 

He is marring Connie on May 7th, 2011. He says in his email: 
Oh thank heaven for seven eleven will have a whole new meaning. 
7th day - 11th year.

He never gives people much notification - because of his short engagements. Maybe he is scared that the woman will get WISE and run like mad in the other direction. ha ha ha...
OK.... that may have been a little harsh. 

Anyway... he's on to wife #3.
They are getting married in the Mount Timpanogos Temple.
Saturday, May 7, 2011.

Congratulations Maurice and Connie. I hope it lasts forever.  

(wouldn't it be ironic if the new Meridian Idaho temple looked like the Mount Timpanogos temple.)


  1. Wow. I know exactly what you are feeling.. and I feel for you.

    In fact.. it was very interesting to read your letter. Mine had to be in so much more detail.. and it was very hard to write and READ.

    3 weeks ago.. I found the letter I had written the first Presidency 13 years ago.. so I could be sealed to Chad. It was so very hard to read.. but I decided to keep it.

    2 Weeks ago.. I had a call from a Bishop.. ( my ex-husbands ) asking me to write a letter so he could be sealed to his wife. I was stunned.
    I wrote a letter 10 years ago so he could be sealed to his new wife.
    I asked the Bishop.. " Are you sure he hasn't been sealed?"

    Nope. Come to find out.. one thing led to another.. and well... he had to completely start over in the church ( if you know what I mean. ) Well-- I was now supposed to write a 3rd letter for a man I wasn't tied to at all legally or through a Sealing for over 12 years. I wasn't sure I could go through it all.. but for him.. I re-sent the letter ( I had just found the week before ) and sent it in. IT WAS HARD.

    You are a great woman Sondra. I know first hand that during things like divorce.. it changes you.. and you become more independant and strong. -- More hard even.
    But-- I have seen many people FINALLY find the right one even after 3 marriages.
    I am SO grateful everyday for my Chad. He is my everything.. and I DO have hope and faith for you that their is someone that will fill your life with happiness -- and help break down that wall you have.

    I admire all that you have done to make your home a happy one filled with love and the spirit. You are amazing.. and I hope one day you will have all that your heart desires...

    ( Sorry for the Novel Comment )
    Love ya..

  2. I wish them luck.

    You are amazing. That has to feel weird or something.
    You are wonderful to have such a loving and forgiving spirit.
    I can't imagine.
