
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Forget toilet paper - Seattle house was Peeped

I had to repost this news story. It is a hoot!

 SEATTLE - Call it the attack of the peeps. A group of friends descended on a home in the Wedgwod/Maple leaf area under the cover of darkness Friday to cover another friend's lawn with hundreds of Easter Peeps. 

 The Peeps - nearly 900 of them - were put on skewers and stuck in the lawn "like festive marshmallow lawn darts," co-conspirator, Sarah Greene, said.

 Greene said last year and in 2009, she was on the receiving end of the peep attack when she lived in the Blue Ridge neighborhood.

 "Now we're in on the joke and bestowing Peep cheer on other unsuspecting friends and family," she said.


  1. I love peeps, so this looks like so much fun!

  2. That is a really cute idea - well, provided it doesn't rain!

    It would be fun to look out and see all those colorful peeps!

  3. So much better than that old toilet paper. Love the idea!
