
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

2 Cords of Wood

Saturday, September 11th I received my order of wood for the winter. This year I decided to order 2 cords of wood. Really, what was I thinking?? That is a ton of wood. I seriously think he brought me more then 2 cords of wood - at least it seems like it - as my garage is heaving with wood. There is hardly any room to park my car.

What made getting wood on Saturday harder then expected?  Brady was out of town at a cross country meet. That meant that I was the lucky girl to move all the wood. Yes, by myself.

My wood arrived arrived at 10 am Saturday morning and  Al started backing up his truck down the side of my house. He normally drives all the way back to the fence and dumps the wood. He does that so that we don't have to move the wood so far to the garage - which is in the back of my house - we drive through the alley to access the garage.
However this year, it didn't work out very well. This is the first year that I have had curbing along my berm. Al's truck was too large to back up to the fence. he drove on my curbing at the first of my berm and totally broke it. :-(
I made him stop the truck and dump it near the front of  my house. I didn't want the whole curbing broken. I would rather walk farther to put the wood away - then ruin anymore. It was really sad.
Soooooo much wood. Really what was I thinking ordering 2 cords of wood? I originally thought I would get a shed to put the wood in this year. Then I decided to wait until next year. I am trying to build up my finances and get everything paid off - and a shed really isn't a necessity - so I decided to wait another year.

Here comes all the wood off the truck!
Oh my goodness!! Soooooooo much wood for me to move.

Wheel barrel by wheel barrel I moved 2 cords of wood. Then stacked it into the garage. I have 3 1/2 rows of wood all the way up to the roof - short garage because I can actually reach almost to the roof. But I stacked it as tall as I could so I could still get the car into the garage.

I can get the car in the garage, but cannot walk on the side of the car where the wood is. It barely fits. It's a lot of wood.

I'm prepared!! It's suppose to be a wet cold winter here - which is forecasted for this winter. I'm not surprised because we had such a long cool, wet spring. AND it really didn't get too warm this summer. At least we have enough wood to heat the house all winter. Lots of wood (I'll say again).

It took me from 10 am to 2:30 pm to move all of that wood. Yes, I am a true pioneer woman - tough as nails. I can do anything. Plus, I was able to walk the next day and tell about it. I'm not too out of shape. Lots of women my age couldn't say the same - I'm sure.
Another look at my poor curbing. I'll have to get it repaired.

I'm feeling a little anxious or something. My Mom was here all last week and I was busy canning salsa and more chicken. I also kept busy doing lots of fall prepping stuff. I feel like I need to sit around and get my barrings again. I've been going and going like a mad woman. I need time to sit without anything on my plate - dream on Sondra - that just isn't your life.. I know I'm weird :-D.

But Yea! Happy day... I have wood - lots of wood!


  1. I wish I had a lot of wood. We used the last of ours in the Spring and we have NONE!

    I spent my 6 days off canning salsa, spaghetti sauce and tomato soup. I've never done tomato soup before and I love the flavor!

    It's fun to hear of your adventures in preparedness. You are a great inspiration.

    So sorry about your curbing! That is awful!
    Good for you for being so awesome and pioneer like to get the wood stacked.

  2. That is a lot of work. You need a break. I am sorry your curbing broke how sad.

  3. Holy Cow Sondra - I cannot believe you moved 2 cords of wood by yourself!!! That truly is a huge load!!
    Sorry about your curbing that really is sad because it is so beautiful. I hope you are able to get it fixed.
    Next time you have that big of a job give us a call - we'll help you!!

  4. That is a LOT of wood--and a lot of work! Sad about your curbing.
