
Friday, February 26, 2010

Brady's School Days

I'm behind in my blogging since I took some time off from it. But in trying to catch up this post is from a couple of weeks ago... Valentines Day!

First I should confess that I was blah during Valentines Day... I didn't do anything. I know - that is so unlike me. I didn't make pink heart shaped pancakes, heart sugar cookies, no valentine cards for my boys, no boxes of chocolates. I can't believe I have been so bad this year.. I've never been this bad. I must have been in some kind of winter blah depression or something. But truly that is NO excuse for not showing love to my family during the love holiday. I feel like I have snapped out of it - but am sad I blew it!

Anyway... let's move on....

For Brady's Valentine's Day seminary devotional I made orange rolls for the treat. Kimmie from Pink Cookies with Sprinkles shared her recipes for cinnamon rolls and orange rolls. I thought it would be lots of fun to make the orange rolls for the class.
Last year I tried to make cinnamon rolls and it was a disaster. This year they were lots better. However, I have learned that I need to make 2 batches for 24 cinnamon rolls. This year I only did one batch and cut them really small. They were yummy but small. Step by step and I will get it right (maybe by his senior year).

However I did love making her recipe... I love her recipes.
I also made the book markers for the class. That is all we did this year. You can find the original post here from last year.

Now I wouldn't be a proud mama if I didn't post Brady's awesome report card.. Woo Hoo 4.0...
He is truly a smart cookie. So far during his high school years he has only had 1 "B" from a terrible teacher.. He is working hard everyday to be able to earn a college scholarship.
Way to go Brady!! I am very proud of you!


  1. Definitely WAY TO GO BRADY!!!! That is really kinda awesome!

    The orange rolls do look good.

    I think we all can get a "free pass" in the winter if we blow a holiday like VD. It's winter for Pete's sake.....I think everyone needs a dose of spring!
    Love ya!

  2. You should NEVER beat yourself up for forgetting a holiday. The LOVE and kindness you show to your family each and everyday is beyond amazing!!

    What a clever bookmark idea. Love that!

    I'm glad the orange rolls turned out for you and so fun with the PINK frosting. I bet the kids just loved your little treats and bookmarks you sent.

    I had to go and check my photos and recipe but when I made them I got exactly 24 rolls with a little "blob" of dough leftover. It's great to know you are enjoying the recipes.

    YAY for Brady! I think that it is such a wonderful thing that he is so motivated to keep his grades up to get a college scholarship! You are raising such a determined and motivated son and I look up to your wonderful example of mothering!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Making homemade cinnamon rolls is quite a task, so don't feel bad about Valentine's Day. It sounds like you make your boys life special MANY days of the year, not just on the holidays!

    Congrats to your son for his outstanding report card. He should be sooo proud of himself...and you have every right to be one proud momma!
