
Friday, February 26, 2010

I WON A Give Away!! Woo Hoo!!

Yup, that is RIGHT!!! I WON!! I WON!! I WON!  Yippie!! I won a give away from Valerie's Attempt at Pondering. Woo HOO!
This is a terrible picture - oh well.... In her give away I won:

Valentine socks.

Kitchen utensils.

Cook book to use Rhodes Dough..
(But I think I can use homemade dough in lots of different ways.. Great ideas!!)

A cook book that Valerie put together.
(Very professional too - and I've found several recipes I would love to try)

And some goodies!!
Buckeyes and Chocolate Billionaires.
They were both soooooo yummy that they didn't stick around too long *snicker.

Thanks Valerie for everything. It is always fun to receive fun stuff in the mail. Plus, I really enjoy visiting her blog. She inspires me daily and is an AWESOME woman.


  1. Congratulations on the win! Valerie is an awesome lady and so are you! Your last two recipes look so good. I'll have to try both of them this weekend.
    Have a great day!

  2. Glad you liked everything! Thanks for all the different ways you thanked me. :)

  3. Congrats! You deserve it!
    I'm off to visit Valerie.

  4. That is an awesome givaway!
    You scored!
    I like to visit Valerie too. ~ And her cookbook cover is my wards cookbook cover.. and 2 other wards that I have. So fun!!
