
Monday, August 3, 2009

Happy 15th Birthday Brady!

Hip Hip Hooray! It's Brady's 15th birthday!
(you can click on the scrap book pages and all the pictures to get a closer look at that cute little boy)
I was an older Mom when I had Brady, I was 32 years old. I had Brady a year after I was married to his Dad - Maurice. I was VERY excited to have another child. Brady was a healthy little boy 7 pounds 12 ounces and 20.5 inches long.
Brady's Dad taking him down to get his first bath at the hospital.
One year old Brady - cute as can be! Brady was my precious baby, I loved him and enjoyed each moment I had with him. I rocked him to sleep every night until he was probably in school - 5 years old or maybe older. I loved every moment I could spend with him (while I was not working). I just wanted him to be my baby forever! (Don't grow up too fast - and he did it anyway!)
Easter fun - look he found an egg. Jason 10 years older then Brady was always a big help being a big brother.
Halloweens fun - my cute little fire fighter! I tried to make all the holidays special for him.
Maurice and I divorced when Brady was only 3 years old and I moved from Salt Lake City to Meridian when he was 4 years old. Since then, Brady has flown back and forth every month for 11 years. He was just in Salt Lake City over this past weekend celebrating his birthday with his dad. Over all, Maurice has been a good father who really wanted to be part of his life!
Brady was baptised and confirmed a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, by his dad when he was 8 years old.
I thought this was a cute picture of when he had chicken pox. Actually it was a real traumatic time for him. It was on Christmas eve - not to fun! Our Home teachers even left their family parties to come and give him a blessing on Christmas Eve. Because of that Priesthood blessing his chicken pox didn't get too bad. A trip to Yellowstone park with my little brother Richard and his family (and the famous Autumn). It's been great to be able to share vacation time doing fun things with Richard's family and to have close cousins to grow up with.
Brady likes to perform in plays - this is a High School Musical number the youth did for our church's Stake theater night. Brady is VERY musical. He is a wonderful piano player and likes to sing. He has an ear for beautiful music - one of his favorite songs is "Simple Things" by the Tabernacle Choir. Every once in a while he will hear a song and have to get it - like the Lord of The Rings song - it always surprises me of his musical ear and the beautiful music he likes.
A couple of years ago Brady was able to attend a Pioneer Trek and push hand carts like the pioneers did when they came to Utah. It was a very memorable time and great testimony building experience!

Brady loves to run and is part of the cross country team in Jr High and High School.
He has been very active in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. The camping trips have been awesome. We have been VERY blessed to have great leaders who have been great examples of teaching leadership and how to be a great "man".
In our ward there are so many great men who take Brady under his wing and mentor him. Both of these men - Brother Mecham and Brother Newby have been especially loving to Brady. Brother Mecham took Brady with his family white water rafting last week - how nice is that! Brady loved being with their "really fun" family (as he put it).
These are Brady's parents. Maurice (Morris) and Sondra. We were sealed in the Salt Lake City Temple. It was a great experience to have my son Jason sealed to me and to have Brady born in the covenant to make us an eternal family - me with my sons.

I have loved being Brady's mother. To share his experiences as he grows into a fine young man. He is growing so fast. I think having Brady when I was older (32) has made me cherish each moment.

Happy Birthday Brady!

Unfortunately for Brady, we just returned from the doctor's office - he has an ear infection. He's been fighting a cold this past week. With the rafting trip and the airplane ride this past week, his cold it became an ear infection. We've spent a quiet evening at home getting well.

For Brady's birthday, he wanted the TV hooked up to the Digital TV in the kitchen again. It was unhooked when we upgraded the TV room television we got for Christmas. He likes watching TV while playing on the computer and it's just been terrible for him to be without it for these past 8 months *giggle*. We bought a new 19" flat screen TV to fit under the cabinets in the kitchen and it was hooked up this weekend. Yeah! it's a great family birthday present on Brady Birthday! LOL!


  1. Happy Birthday Brady!!!

    He is and has always been such a cute, handsome boy!!
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the chicken pox picture - I know they are no fun but why is the picture so cute!! hee hee

    That is so funny about the tv set. Love your giggle :D

    Sondra - on another note the link to Lisa's blog is in that last post in white. You'll love it.

  2. Happy Birtday Brady. We thought of you and yes we remembered. We were going to call but I thought you were still at your dads. I am sorry you are sick not a fun way to spend your Birthday.
    Sondra you need to edit your post about famous Autumn, she is hard enough to live with don't put any more ideas in her head. ;0)

  3. Happy birthday! Should I call a day late and sing to you over the phone???

    Hope that you get feeling better soon!

  4. Happy Bday Brady! I loved the flashbacks! So cute! I think you picked a great gift!

  5. btw...I am doing a giveaway to celebrate my 500th post!

  6. Happy Birthday Brady! (and BTW...what a gorgeous bride you were...someday you are going to find your prince charming and be swept off your feet like you deserve!)

    Anyway, Adorable photos...I LOVE looking at photos and I love the way you scrap booked the younger photos...SO cute!

    Brady is SO lucky to have you for a mom! It's amazing how quickly our sweet young children grow up and you and I can relate in SO many ways to wanting to CHERISH every single moment. I still like to rock Ethan even though he's 7 (although I don't think that will be happening for much longer). As long as he wants me to sit on the beanbag and read him stories I will be content.

    So, sorry Brady's dealing with an ear infection and cold. You've raised a successful and very handsome young man Sondra and I have a deep admiration for all you do!

    Enjoy your day!

  7. Happy Birthday to Brady! Sondra, while reading this, the thought kept coming to me that you are a great mom! Brady is lucky to have you. I was an "older mom" with the last 3 of my cabooses. I had Jacob when I was 38.

    Hope Brady is feeling better.
