
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Motivational Monday/Tuesday - Family Traditions

A Successful Family Is One Rich in family Traditions

No other success can compensate for failure in the home. David O McKay

The Family: A Proclamation to the World says: ... Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities.

Family Traditions: A successful family is one rich in family traditions. Traditions bring a sense of belonging, safety and love to its family members. Time spent together in wholesome activities or just everyday routines bring family members closer together. It strengthens the bond, gives a sense of belonging, and creates a closeness that is necessary to nurture and teach. It gives us memories to cherish through out our lives. Some of those traditions we take with us and continue in our own families. Some we do not. Each family is unique.

Here are a few ideas of Family Traditions:

Family Prayer
Family and individual Scripture study
Blessings on the food
Family Home Evening
Ask what was learned at church during Sunday dinner
Give a Bible or Book of Mormon on 8th birthday
Give a Father's blessing before the start of each new school year

Let family member choose dinner menu on birthday
Make heart shaped cookies or cupcakes for Valentines day (put a marble on the outside of the paper liner, then bake, to make heart shaped cupcakes).
Color Easter Eggs
Family breakfast and candy hunt on the Saturday before Easter. We also make Resurrection rolls for Easter dinner.
Go out to breakfast as a family on the 4th of July and then to the parade.
Make a green dinner or all meals for St. Patrick's Day.
Before eating Thanksgiving dinner, go around the table and have each person tell what they are most thankful for.
Read the Nativity Story on Christmas Eve
New PJ's for Christmas Eve
New ornament each year for each child (when they leave home they take them with them)

Give a hug and kiss each night before bed
Say I love you every day
Have children come and check in when they get home at night
Read a bedtime story
Take walks together; this is a great time to talk
Go as a family and support family members at concerts, plays or sporting events.
Take a child to lunch by their self and just let them talk to you and ask questions.

What are some of the traditions your family enjoy?


  1. We have the red special plate that we use for birthdays or just special days for that individual. We also have the fun conference sleeping in tents and eating holiday food tradition.

  2. Our traditions are so important to our family! Some of them come from generations on down!

    I love this post.. I agree 100%!

    Hope your day is happy! XO

  3. ~ And I meant to say.. We just have too many to even list! One of ours that (you already know about) but is unique is the Valentine Man!

  4. I love family traditions. We have family home evening on Sundays, and instead of having a treat AFTER, we eat it during!!! That's a silly one, I know, but it's a lot of fun.

    I've enjoyed catching up on your cute posts. So fun to read.

    I enjoy visiting so much.
    Have a great day.

  5. Yes, Traditions are definitely the "glue" that holds you family together and what makes your family special and unique!

    I love being reminded of these...thanks for sharing and I can't wait to try some of these that I am not already doing.

    We are getting ready to do 2 family traditions....our yearly backpacking trip in the Tetons and then I take my kids to breakfast and school shopping on Monday.

    I think the best tradition kids can hear is "I LOVE YOU" everyday from their parents!! Kids love more than anything to know they are loved.

    Enjoy your's been a really HOT day. Hope you're not working too hard.

  6. I love family fun and traditions!

    A few of ours...

    Cupid leaves presents (from Dr.Hubby) for us girls on Valentine's Day morning.

    Easter baskets and new clothes for church on Easter morning. Coloring eggs with cousins.

    Trip to visit Lil Sis and BIL on Memorial Day.

    Our Firecracker Festival on the 4th of July at our home.

    Back to School Fashion Show

    Book Club during the summer.

    I could go on and on...told ya I love them.

    Thanks for entering my giveaway and the sweet compliments you left on my are a very cherished bloggy bud.

  7. Very awesome and I agree!
    By the way, I got my blogbook. I'm so impressed! Love it, thanks for sharing your idea.

  8. I think my middle name is tradition! My kids laugh at me but I am sentimental and very serious about "family"! They love it so I think almost everything we do is a tradition and that is not a bad thing!! hee hee
    Some of our favorites: Our annual campout, singing Christmas morning, Dad's turkey, Testimony Sticks!

  9. I love family traditions! My childhood is filled with traditions and they all bring fond memores.
    We have Christmas traditions that we do each year, Family Council on Sunday nights, FHE on Mondays, birthday celebrations, the list could go on and on.
    As my kids get older, with families of their own, I see them branching off to make some of their own traditons. It's mixed emotions at that point, especially when they no longer join us!

    Great list! You always have some motivational posts!
