
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Dec 22, Monday Night Party at my Sister - Chris' House.

My big sister, Christine has a dinner each Christmas season and invites our family over to enjoy the evening together. I am always glad that she takes the effort to prepare a nice dinner for us and host a party where we can get together and visit. This year her dinner theme was Mexican fiesta. She prepared Tacos, chicken enchiladas, bean/avocado dip, and lime-aid to drink. Justin, her oldest son also prepared a tray of bean enchiladas. I brought chips and salsa and a relish tray. There was a ton of food.

Chis and Kurt (her husband), Justin and Shaun (her sons) were there along with Shaun's girlfriend Whitney. Brady and I came to enjoy the festivities with their family. Their home was beautifully decorated, she does a great job too--it must be a family thing :-)...

Kevin, their other son is currently on a mission in Serbia (kind of a scary place to be). The Lord has really watched over and is protecting the missionaries there from the unrest in that area. At one point they had to leave and go to Croatia because of the civil wars going on. They are back in Serbia right now. Recently they have been very sick because of a bacteria they ingested (like drinking bad water in a mountain creek).. I don't know the name of the sickness but they have been pretty sick. We pray for them and know our leaders will keep them safe, along with Heavenly Father watching over them as they serve their missions faithfully.

I forgot to take my camera to take pictures. Kurt took pictures and will email them to me - soon I hope and then I can add them to this post.

At the end of the dinner we opened presents. They gave me this REALLY cute nativity and you know how I LOVE nativity sets. It is now set up in my bedroom as I continue to work on having a nativity in every room of my house during the Christmas season.

The box for this set looks like a nativity. How cute is that??

When you open the box it has all of the figurines - oh, the faces are so cute!! You put the top on the back of the box and the box actually becomes the stable. I LOVE IT!! Thanks Chris!! Definitely something I will cherish forever!!

It was a great evening spent with our family. After opening presents we played Apples to Apples -- it is always so much more fun when there are so many people playing. We laughed and laughed. It was fun!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun time together!
    Darling, Darling Nativity!
