
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day turned out really nice and relaxing. On Christmas Eve, Jason and Sharon came over and enjoyed the evening with Brady and me. One of our traditions is having a night of snacking for dinner. We have a meat and cheese tray with rolls to make sandwiches, we have a cheese ball - actually the one I love is a crab cheese ball from Albertsons and squeeze cheese with a tray of crackers, we had a relish tray, chips and salsa, and an array of all of the goodies we have made or have been given. We had eggnog, hot cider and punch with ice cream in it. There was a ton of food to snack on throughout the evening. We had a nice fire roaring in the back ground to set the atmosphere.

Earlier in the evening when I came home from work and set up the food, Brady and I watched a couple of movies while we waited for Jason and Sharon. Brady and I started the evening off with Robin Hood with Kevin Costner, then Frequency and when they came we watch The Island. We opened a couple of presents, Jason and Sharon opened new PJ's to relax in through the evening and Brady opened a magic 8 ball. Then we opened Apples to Apples and played that game until it was time for bed. We had a really great time. We ended up going to bed about 11PM. Jason and Sharon slept in Brady's room and Brady had to sleep on a blow up mattress and sleeping bag in the TV room, in hopes of catching Santa as he came down the chimney. The cookies, and carrots (for the reindeer) were set by the fireplace hearth as we waited for Santa to arrive.

The morning arrived early at 6AM so that we could open presents before Jason and Sharon left for work. Brady was NOT ready to get up and was kinda grouchy - that darn teenage hormone!! Oh well.... we proceeded with opening presents.
Most of the time he wouldn't lift up his head to let me take pictures. He never did get out of his sleeping bag and opened each present lying on the floor.
Ha, Ha... I got a picture.... Just to irritate the teenager in him... Boy the hormones were raging this week. We kinda got on each others nerves... I feel the teenage coming out - quicker then I want it. I shouldn't joke with him because he will just get mad. He likes to do his own thing and doesn't like to be bugged by his Mom... But with only us two living in the home... I have to talk to someone which bugs the crap out of him. He prefer I keep quiet and leave him alone most of the time. I does NOT like being told to do chores. Oh the joys of having a teenager. Normally he is not like that at all, but I think he's going through some major hormone swings.

Anyway... He received new Scriptures since he set is at the seminary building. I purchased them at Seagull book and had them print his name on them. The first set they tried to get me to take was horrible, blurry and was iffy on the gold leafing. I refused them and they had to do it again. This set was better but not as good as I excepted it to be. I felt bad that they had ruined a set by doing such a bad job. I hate to be mean, but I want this set to last through his mission.
He received a docking station for his iPod. Also, 3 long sleeve shirts (2 he didn't like and have to be taken back), 2 sets PJ bottoms, 2 pairs Levis, a 2 GB flash drive he needs for school, a pair of Vans shoes.
Our family also received a new computer that we had before Christmas - but is considered a Christmas gift.
We also received a 42" flat screen TV. I ordered it from Walmart on Black Friday (on-line) and had it deliver. It was a great deal at $599. I was extremely happy. It was hard to go back to our tiny 27 inch TV after Jason moved out and took his 37" flat screen. I just love this TV and the great deal I was able to get - not to mention I didn't have to actually go into a store to get it - on black Friday was even better.
The other games our family opened for Christmas was Scrabble and Monopoly.

Jason and Sharon had a great Christmas too. I spoiled everyone! I didn't' take to many pictures and enjoyed the morning.
Jason received a hair cutting system, a quilt, Vans shoes, and a folding table. I didn't let him take mine when he moved. He had mine in his room, where he would sit and draw all the time. Jason loves to draw and to the chagrin of his mother, he would like to become a tattoo artist.
Jason wanted a griddle. He gave me one for my birthday this year and totally loved it. Now he has one of his very own. Jason is a great cook. I always loved it when he would cook for us.
Sharon got a cute shirt with a small black vest, a light blue coat vest (light weight) with a white long sleeve shirt underneath, and another shirt. She also wanted her own set of Twilight books. It took a while for me to decide to spend the money - but I did and she was thrilled. I wanted a dutch oven to go with my emergency preparedness stuff. My mom gave me this beautiful one. I am excited to cook with it this summer. It will be nice to have an oven to cook in during a disaster. I need to get charco briquettes in my storage now.
My mom also gave me a Ped-Egg which I just LOVE! Thanks Mom!!
This year the present for my brothers and sisters (Chris, Cindy, Lyle and Richard and Mom - Zoey) was geared to emergency preparedness. I gave each of my brothers and sisters a hand crank/solar radio and a hand crank flashlight. The really cool thing about the flash light is that it came with an adapter like a car lighter socket that you can plug in your cell phone charger and charge your phone by hand cranking it. Communication is a huge thing when you are in a disaster and now you can have this tool part of a 72 hour kit. I am also going to have an adapter in my kit for my Zune so that we can listen to music and books on CD during a disaster - because we will be able to keep charging it by hand. I hope they liked what they received from me. It's good to be prepared with things that will make any emergency a little easier.

That is a small glance of our wonderful Christmas 2008! We have been VERY blessed this year! I hope everyone recieved all the blessings they wanted. Most importantly being surrounded by family and friends.


  1. Wow! You guys had a great Christmas Sondra. I love your new nativity - so cute!
    The pictures of Brady on Christmas morning made me laugh because I think I have his twin over here - ha ha:)

  2. Loved the post, and grateful Christmas was so nice!
    We love board games. We got 5 new games, and have been playing them all weekend. We love Apples to Apples.
    We got a black and Decker grill also, and LOVE it! We havent ever had one, and we are so thankful now!
    I got the boxed set of Twilight books, and love them so much. How kind of you to get them for Sharon. It shows what a great person you are..

    I laughed at the "teen" christmas morning pictures.. Oh how I can wait for those days! :)
