
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Day after Christmas and Saturday Snow

Aaaaahhhh!!! Christmas Day is over - that wonderful, festive, spiritual, gift giving, family centered, loving day has come and gone. I truly love this time of year. I enjoy the feelings of love, the excitement of parties and gift giving, the sacred thoughts of the birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior, and the anticipation of Santa Claus coming. If we could really live in the season of Christmas each day throughout our lives - how wondrous that could be. To have daily devotionals, daily thinking about our Savior, daily being kind to others, daily reaching out to family members in love - can we do it? Can we spend the year of 2009 giving love? I'd really like to try to keep these feelings all year long. I Love Christmas Time!

Friday morning, bright and early - I'm not kidding - I was up at 3:55 am getting ready to drive to the airport. I checked the flights and weather to see if there would be any delays for Brady's flight to Salt Lake City. Everything looked fine and Brady started to stir at 4am. We dressed and got ready, heated up waffles and syrup for breakfast, loaded my cleaning supplies in the car and Brady's suit cases and left our home by 4:30 am. The goal was to be at the airport before 5AM - with his flight leaving at 6:10 and avoid being late for the flight.

There were crowds but not too bad. It took us about 20 minutes to get through the Southwest line and check in the luggage and get an escort pass for me. The lines were not bad through security and we made it to the boarding gate with 15 minutes to wait before they started to load the plane. Everything worked out great - because we got up at 4am and left early.

When I came back through the terminal the line through security was huge. Oh, I am very glad that we missed that mess.
I had planned on going directly to the business customer I clean - Compton Transfer. The sign on the door last week indicated that they would be closed Dec 25 and 26, so I thought I would clean them right after dropping Brady off. I got there and started emptying the garbage cans and glanced at their sign. They must have changed it because it said they would be opened the 26th - darn.. they were working!! I told them I would clean it on the weekend during the holidays - normally I clean on Monday nights (used to be Tuesday). So I left and decided to come back later that night because there was a storm headed in on Saturday. I was kind of sad that I couldn't do it that morning because my first house of the day was just up the street from Compton. I headed home for a couple of hours.
Friday was a very long day. I cleaned my first customer Bonnie and then headed up to Becky's. It's harder when the kids are out of school - because I have to clean around the families. Since I missed Becky's house on Tuesday due to huge amounts of snow, I did a full clean on her house. I started at Bonnie's at 8 am and left Becky's at 4:30 going full speed all day. I decided to go to the bank and then straight to Compton. It took a while to get out of the area by Becky's because I hit the roads the same time all of the skiers where coming down the mountain and traffic was really backed up - along with work traffic starting at 5pm. I didn't get to Compton until 5:30 and worked until around 8:30pm. It was a very LONG day and I was tired and achy. But at least I am done for the weekend - a time to rest.

I was TOTALLY lazy all day Saturday. It was a VERY snowy day.

Here is the story from KTVB:

A powerful winter storm smacks the Treasure Valley with another four inches of snow. The snow will continue into the evening before eventually changing to rain around midnight. There could also be sleet mixed in this evening. Up to five inches of snow is expect in the valley today and up to eight inches in the foothills. Wind gusts of up to 30 miles per hour are expected out of the southeast. That will cause areas of blowing and drifting snow and reduced visibility.

There is also a winter storm warning in effect until 5 p.m. Sunday for the west-central and Boise mountains. Snowfall is expected to accumulate eight to 15 inches in these areas. There will also be areas of blowing and drifting snow and reduced visibility. Snow may mix with or change to rain the the lowest valleys on Sunday. The snow is expected to taper off Sunday. Travel should only be in an emergency. If you must travel, have a flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of emergency. Driving conditions treacherous.

So far, this has been the third snowiest December on record in Boise. The National Weather Service says Boise has received 19.5 inches to date and the snow continues to fall. Six inches of snowfall is a normal December in Boise. We have surpassed the third snowiest December which was 19.4 inches in 1924. However, there is a long way to go to reach the record. In 1983, Boise got 26.2 inches in December and the record was set in 1884 with 36.6 inches of snow.

Driving conditions on area roads remain hazardous. Most of them are covered in snow and that has proven to be very misleading to drivers! Idaho State Police dispatchers say troopers in the field were reporting that many people were driving too fast for the conditions because they didn't realize beneath the snow was a sheet of ice, and that's the case in most areas!

A look out the front door of my house.
A look out the back door. Too bad you really can't see the snow falling and falling all day. At least 4 inches - snowing - snowing - snowing all day.. It's amazing! After hearing my mail being dropped into my mail box, I looked out and felt so bad that I didn't have my side walks shoveled. I decided to get after it and visited while I helped my elderly neighbor Howard shovel his sidewalk as well.
A picture of my snow covered house -after shoveling the side walks. It's a winter wonderland.

A couple more pictures of the snow. I know it is not as much as when I lived in Salt Lake City or Pocatello or even when I lived in Logan Utah. I think I am becoming a light weight - due to all the mild winters here in Boise Idaho. This is very unusual and the drivers are pretty scary and the roads have been down right bad and icy. Rain is forecasted - I wonder what will happen when everything turns to water - will there be flooding? It's officially crazy weather.
I'm very happy I killed myself on Friday so I can stay home and off the roads during the storm on Saturday. Hopefully but Monday the roads will be dry and easy to travel on. I hope as this storm travels east that everyone in it way will be safe!

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