
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Garden Update

This time of year brings me such happiness. I love watching my garden grow. I love the beauty around me. I love the taste of freshly grown vegetables from my garden.
Our carrots are ready to be pulled and they are soooo delicious! There isn't anything better then fresh carrots in the many casseroles and soups I make - especially Chicken Pot Pie - Yum! (We had that tonight)
 We've had 1 zucchini ready to eat and I had to make stir-fry.
 Chicken Stir-Fry with garden vegetables. I used green onions, carrots and zucchini from our garden. Plus we used celery, broccoli, parsley and chicken (not from our garden). Saute'ed in olive oil, then I add chicken gravy with a 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon of ginger in the gravy. Then I pour the gravy over the vegetables and served over rice.
 It is yummy with fresh vegatables from our garden. We eat a lot of stir fry all summer long.
 A couple of weeks ago I pulled up the pea plants before our temperatures hit 100 degrees. I ended up with 21 bags of frozen peas (1 cup each). Then I put the containers of beans where the peas were. I thought that worked out very nice. I am enjoying all the vegetable plants through my yard. It's been fun to have food instead of all the flowers I normally grow. Plus I think they are pleasant to look at too.
 Crookneck, zucchini and pumpkin plants are growing.
 More zucchinis are growing - Yea!
 Also the crookneck plants are producing.
 I have 8 tomato plants that I started from seed and they have tons of tomatoes! They all look very healthy! The marigolds and asters peeking out from the tomatoes plants were grown from seed.
 Here are the tomato plants by my patio. They are very tall and it's fun to see all the tomatoes from both angles. I love having them here - 3 plants.  The pot in the front is all volunteer Zinnias growing. It's crowded, but I just let them grow. They are getting ready to bloom.
 Here is a look of my berm with corn in the front and potatoes in the back. The flowers above the purple and red petunias are marigolds that grew on their own and I dug them up and re-planted them in a line. I love free plants that grow on their own.
 Here is a view going from the gate to the back yard. (I don't have a sprinkler system - so my hose is out watering).
 Our grass is green, wave petunias are growing in the pots by my arborvitae trees and vine over the back fence. It's nice to have this growing between me and the alley.
I love this berm. I see this outside my window each morning and it makes me feel such happiness from all the beauty before me. I wish the daisy's last longer. 
This is a look from the yard into my patio. I love sitting on my patio to read or have a barbecue.
I absolutely love this time of year.
The front of my house - still decked out with 4th of July decorations - all through July.

Every day I am elated with the thought that this is my home and my yard. I feel such gratitude for the beauties and blessing I have been given. Daily I pray for a good harvest so that I may have additional food storage.


  1. You have an absolutely beautiful yard! I love it...and such a fruitful garden! I miss the lovely green and flower filled yards I grew up with in Utah and Colorado...we have a different, drier, hotter beauty here in Arizona. Enjoy a lovely summer. I do enjoy your blog!

  2. Yum, I cannot wait to see it all. Everything looks so great,

  3. That is wonderful!!!
    Tomatoes from seed? Wow!

    I love the look of the veggies in the skillet, such pretty colors and I bet it was delicious.
    You are amazing!

  4. Sondra, I just love your yard and LOVE your garden in with your flowers. Very creative and fun! I agree that it still looks great too!!!
