
Friday, July 13, 2012

Brady's Graduation Photos

Dorian took professional pictures at the graduation. Before the student went up on stage, they had their picture taken with a "dummy" diploma holder.
 Brady is such a handsome young man. I love the picture!
 They also had cameras on stage to take a picture as each student received their diploma.
We also received a picture of the graduation class. Unfortunately Brady is not among the class right now. This was taken during the National Anthem and Brady is with the choir. Oh well, he is there in his heart.

Great pictures for great memories! I love that Dorian provides this service. We also received a DVD of the whole graduation ceremony. 


  1. Yeah, I can't wait to hear Brady sing!

  2. That is lame that they didn't take it with 'all' of the graduating class ... Happy to see that he is SO happy to graduate! Congrats Brady!

  3. Stopping by to say hello...I am you newest follower. Congrats on your son's graduation from high school. I love your blog and blog philosophy. Where to you get your blog printed off. I think getting the blog printed every six months is a wonderful idea. I have been blogging since 2007 and have printed off many of my posts, but would love to have them printed in books. Enjoy your Sunday. I look forward to following your blog. P.S. Love the primary stuff on your blog. I am also LDS!
