
Friday, April 13, 2012

Fast Fact Friday

I've been meaning to start "Fast Fact Friday" Challenge. I decided to start now.

This weeks theme is firsts:

1. What was your first car?
Yellow Datson B210 hatchback

2. Who was your first crush?
Donald Randall.
He was a senior and I was in 8th grade - Yikes!
My parents broke us up - but I felt I was in love for sure. It totally broke my heart. I had my first kiss before I was sweet 16 - I made it.  I didn't want to be sweet 16 and never been kissed especially since all my friends were kissing guys.

3. Where was your first apartment away from your parents?
I moved away the summer before my senior year. I lived with my oldest sister Christine in a basement apartment. When we moved out of that basement apartment, my dad moved into it. My parents were divorced.
I was soooo ready to leave home and live on my own. My home life during my teen years were volatile. My parents were fighting, split and back together. My older siblings had moved out and it was just the babies of the family left (my brother and me). I hated living there.
Chris and I ended up moving back home part of my senior year.
After graduation Chris and I found another apartment and lived there for a while until Chris bought a trailer in Chubbuck, Idaho that we moved into. 
We got along OK - but fought a lot too. 
When I was 19 I moved away to Logan, Utah.
My home life wasn't the best and I hated living there. I always wanted to be on my own doing my own thing. I was out of there as soon as I could.

4. Where was your first airplane flight to?
Grants Pass Oregon. I flew there to see Jason's dad and show him his son.

5. What was the first school you attended?
Hawthorne Elementary in Pocatello, Idaho.  When I was young they had the elementary school and the junior high school in one building. When I was in 7th or 8th grade they finally built Wilcox elementray school and seperated the elementary kids from the Junior High school kids.

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