
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Brady and Friends

The following pictures were taken at the Jazz Choir dinner show. Brady and I went to the dinner to celebrate my birthday in February.

There was a photography booth to raise money for the choir. Pictures were $5.00. Of course we wanted to support the choir and get some fun pictures with Brady's friends.

Brady's group of friends are mostly girls. I don't know if that is because he was raised by a single mother, but I do know that his friends are the "cream of the crop" group at school. They are all active in school, have high morals and are smart. They've had a lot of fun together during their high school years.
 Amber, Brady and Erika (Erika is ranked #1 GPA at the school - brilliant!)
 Kara, Erika, Amber and Danielle picking up Brady.
It always makes me laugh when girls pick up the guys (smiles).

Last Friday Amber and Danielle spent all evening at our house. They had a Vampire Diaries and Once Upon A Time marathon. They arrived after school and left right before midnight (our curfew). They do this quite often because we record all the shows and they catch up on all the shows they missed.

Last Saturday Brady had Andrew over all afternoon playing Minecraft - his new favorite video game. It looks like a "Lego Land" game to me. It was fun for me, because Brady doesn't "hang out" with guys. It was nice that Brady had some guy time too.

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