
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Autumn's 17

 Today is my sweet niece Autumn's birthday. She's a big 17 years old.
 A few months ago she had a photo shoot and I've been meaning to post them on my blog.
 She is beautiful!
 I'm thankful she is my niece ... she is a great example for everyone who touches her life. She is a wonderful young woman.
 She has a strong testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. She knows who she is ... a beloved daughter of a King, our Heavenly Father. 
 She knows that through prayer, mighty miracles come to pass. She prayed that her family would be sealed as a family in the Holy Temple and it happened!
 She is a wonderful daughter and big sister!
 We love Autumn very much and glad she is part of our lives. 
 She continues to choose the right and keep her standards high.
 Her goals keep her virtuous, pure and worthy to attend the temple.
 She studies hard to get good grades .... for a bright future.
 She is playful, happy, delightful and a pure joy to be around.
  We love you Autumn and hope you have a wonderful birthday and year ahead.


  1. WOW! I can't believe how old all of my cousins are getting! That means I am getting older too. :)
