
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wayback Wednesday: "Thanksgiving"

I didn't take a single picture during our Thanksgiving this year.

This is the first year we didn't have Thanksgiving at my Mom's house since my Mom was a young mother. I decided to take a break / vacation and stay home and rest - instead of traveling home to Pocatello, Idaho. Because I didn't come home for Thanksgiving, my brothers and their families decided NOT to have it at Mom's this year. My Mom wasn't very happy, but she shared Thanksgiving at my sister Cindy's home with their family.

Oh!!! I did take ONE picture. Lyle, my big brother decided to come and have Thanksgiving in Nampa with Jenny and Taylor and their families. He called me earlier in the week and begged me to make rolls for them. Being such a NICE sister - I did. Beautiful rolls for Lyle. We discussed having dinner together - but both families decided to stay home and have a small family gatherings instead.
Our celebration was quiet and small - Jason, Sharon, Brady and me. I LOVED it! We cooked a turkey AND a ham because Jason needs a ham. It was a relaxing Thanksgiving and one I really needed.

I thought I would share a family Thanksgiving from around 1962 with my older sisters and brother around a beautiful turkey. I'm guessing Lyle is 4, Cindy is 5 and Christine is 6.  ??? ....
 Our neighbors must have been invited to dinner - because the girl with the curlers and in the red scarf is not a sister - a neighbor Michelle Lane. Next to her is my sister Cindy, on the other side of the table is Lyle and Christine.

They must be starving and waiting ... waiting to dig into that beautiful turkey.

This next picture is my Mom in front of some pies - probably at Thanksgiving time.
One of the things my Mother does for cream pies is make the crust ahead of time - waiting for the cream filling on Thanksgiving day.

I tried to make pie shells like my mom - on the outside of a pie tin and then she puts it on a plate - pie shell only.

I tried to make the first pie crust on the outside of a pie tin. What a pain in the neck to do the edges when the pie tin is upside down and you are basically trying to crimp the edges right on the counter with no room under the crimped edge.

Then I baked it. Next the fun part is trying to take the pie crust off of the pie tin without breaking it. I broke all three I tried to make. You have to take the crust off of the pie tin before it cools - resulting in burning fingers. I don't know how she does it.

After lots of failures, I decided to make it inside the pie tin. It was much easier and removal was easier too - but a pain in the neck.

I decided to call my sister and asked if there was a better way to remove the pie crust AND why Mom does this. I asked if it was because she didn't have enough pie tins for all the pies she makes??... Well, that wasn't the answer - she does it because she thinks it looks prettier. *shaking head. 

My sister doesn't do that - she keeps the crust IN THE pie tin. I should have called earlier - because I am NOT going to do that again. It's too hard. Plus, I don't care if it is in a pie tin or out of one. I'm glad I am learning all of these tricks and traditions as I make my own Thanksgiving. Practise make perfect - maybe one day it will be easier. 


  1. I am glad that you did Thanksgiving! I hosted this year, for the 2nd time. Our turkey and pie turned out great and we had wonderful conversation. Sometimes small Thanksgivings are the best!

  2. I love those pictures. Her smile looks like she enjoys the time in her kitchen.
    Beautiful Thanksgiving.

    Your rolls are beautiful. I am going to have to search your blog for the recipe. (will I find it?)

    I tried doing pie crusts that way....once.

    It sounds like your Thanksgiving was perfect. Nice quiet and relaxed.
