
Friday, May 20, 2011

Brady's Music and stuff

During the past month, Brady has been sharing his favorite music for a 30 day challenge. He has unusual taste for a teenager. He has a very classical taste in music.

It is a talent he has had for a long time.

During movies or TV shows he will listen to the background music or credit's music and then search out his favorites. He has collected a variety of beautiful music he enjoys.

One of days in the music challenge asks for music you can play on a musical instrument, so he recorded these two piano pieces he loves to play:

 Brady playing Kakariko: 
Harry's world from Harry Potter's movies:
Brady had the opportunity to go to Wahooz, a local entertainment center, with his classmates that had a 3.5 or higher GPA. Brady's grades were brilliant this year. I'm very proud of him. These are his grades as of this morning for the year. It can't get better then that!

Especially with the Honor's English, AP Chemistry, Honor's Pre-calculous classes ... he's really done an outstanding job in keeping up with all the extra work throughout the year. ... such high "A's".
I'm really proud of him for his diligence in his school work and his goal to receive scholarships for college. 

Grades for his Junior year 2011: 
He had a great time at Wahooz with his friends. He always makes sure to get a strip of pictures.

Brady's comment on facebook: Wahooz was a blast! Go Carts were very entertaining, won a game of Lazar Tag, was able to take a good photo booth picture strip the first time, and got 525 tickets without spending any money! Oh, and I didn't know what to spend the tickets on and was rushed, so now I have 7 ginormous Pixi Sticks. I may be a really fun person the next few days.
Update of the great day Brady had today (Friday March 20th) at school (from facebook): Today was a wonderful Friday: Became National Honor Societies new Treasurer for next year. The paper I spent 5 hours on yesterday wasn't collected (which makes me a little relieved but sad), Chemistry Lab Test went fantastic, and I'm going to go on a run later, such a beautiful day for it to. :)

I'm very excited that Brady was elected to be the Treasurer next year in National Honor Society.

This year he has been the Business Manager for the Newspaper for the school. He works with many businesses in the area to secure advertising. He also makes sure bills are paid and paperwork is in order. He'll also be the Business Manager next year.

I love that he is taking advantage of all these great opportunities available to him in High School. He certainly is a great kid!


  1. I have loved listening to his music on Facebook!

  2. What a fun young man!
    I can tell your family has brought you so much joy!

  3. What fun pics of your brilliant and talented young man. I am quite impressed by those grades and videos!
