
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Way-back Wednesday - Past Easters

 Brady, when we lived in Kearns Utah. He was 2 years old. We lived in a Mobile Home. I loved that home and look at the daffodils! Selling that home gave me enough down payment for my current home. It was a great investment instead of renting.
 An Easter in Boise visiting my Mom. Autumn and Brady coloring Easter eggs and finding them. 
 Brady 3 years old. I love the snowman sleeper - Kearns Utah home.
 Brady 4 years old, we were now living in Meridian, Idaho.
 In our current home. I'd say Brady is 5 or 6 here. When I look back at these pictures of my yard - I'm amazed at how clean and bare it looks. It's green and a beautiful spring day. The Easter bunny hid eggs outside, so I know it was nice. Must have been before or after church. 
 Another Easter at Grandma's with Autumn and Tymber (cousins) finding lots of Easter eggs.
 Same Easter at Grandma's - Look at all those eggs in his basket. Always spoiled!
Probably the same weekend as the picture above. Autumn and Brady in his bedroom playing games. I had completely forgotten that his room was painted this color with the wallpaper bottom. It was really a very cool room for Brady. Now this room is my craft room and nothing like this at all. Memories!

It's interesting to look back through the years and remember those forgotten times. Life goes by too quickly. Thank goodness for pictures to help you remember. 

I thought it was interesting looking at my homes, decorations and my children, then being grateful for the life we've had together. 

I think sometimes I've been too caught up in making a living, taking care of my children on my own, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the yard - so many day to day things - that I didn't appreciate how blessed I was. 
Life as been great even though I've been a single mom doing it all on my own. 
I've raised two terrific boys and survived.

I've been very blessed!


  1. Wow, look how little they were. t's crazy to think Hope is that age now. It goes by too fast. Rich started his job today, I will catch you up on it in a few days.

  2. Agreed! The kids look so little!!!
