
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Jordan's First Birthday

 Jordan is our miracle baby and he just turned one. These pictures are months old, but I wanted to add them to my blog/journal. Tracy is my niece (my sister's daughter). Tracy and Brian tried for many years to have a baby. Christian and Conner are sons from Brian's first marriage. 
 Jordan celebrated his birthday on February 19th. Here is a link to the post of his miracle birth.
 Jordan has been such a blessing to their family. My mom gets to babysit him a couple of times a week while Tracy works. Every week when I call my Mom, I hear all the wonderful things about Jordan.
 Grandma cannot believe how happy he is. He is really strong too.
 Grandma says she has never seen such a smart child. She is convinced that he is a special spirit from Heavenly Father that will be something special when he grows up. She is totally in love with him and I think he LOVES grandma too. 
 My big confession is that I have NEVER ever seen Jordan in person and he's a year old. I'm a terrible Aunt - because I haven't been home for that long - since my Thanksgiving trip was canceled due to weather. 
 He was walking around 10 months old. He is very advanced in the milestones he has gone through as an infant.
 His brothers adore him - and of course Jordan will grow up faster to keep up with his brothers. 
 He's a very active little boy. Soon grandma will not be able to keep up with him. 
 He is obedient and will not get into things he's not suppose to. According to grandma, this is a very valiant little boy. 
 He has the bluest eyes. He's just a doll!
 One day soon, I hope to plan a trip to actually see this little guy in person!
Before he grows up much more. Time goes by very fast. Happy Birthday Jordan!


  1. He is darling!!! I love those pictures.
    Hopefully you'll get there soon and give him some Auntie snuggles.

  2. Okay, so I have never seen those family pictures. I know where I rank! He is a cutie!

  3. He is totally cute! You are right. They do grow up way too fast!

  4. What a beautiful family!!

    And I loved all your thoughts on conference.
