
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Milk Delivery Service - plus so much more

I've started something new, milk delivery service. 

Last week I read an article about milk and the hormones used for mass production. I do think about hormones injected in meat too - although I haven't decided to purchase organic meat yet. I was playing around on the Internet about organic milk when I saw a Boise Milk Delivery service. 

I thought it would be a fun experiment and try organic milk, milk products, fruits and vegetables for a while to find out if I can tell a difference in our health. I've decided to give it a try for 3 months and then re-evaluate cost and benefits of organic food. 

This morning I received my first delivery. I purchased quite a lot of items to check it out. It's like Christmas to open your door and find your groceries. 

This is what I got
2 quarts milk
1 dozen eggs
1 lb butter,
Cheese curds - squeaky cheese. (it's been years since we've had them and I couldn't resist. Yum!)
Sour cream
Vanilla yogurt
Orange juice

Then I purchased an organic fruit package and an organic vegetable package.

Apples 4 large Fuji apples and 9 small (not quite sure of brand)
4 oranges
1 huge grapefruit
4 lemons
7 bananas
package of blueberries

2 Roman lettuce
Medley of carrot, broccoli, cauliflower
Brussels sprouts
Bunch of fresh green beans
2 Artichokes
red potatoes (quite a lot)
Red Onion

All of this with delivery and Organic was around $65.00.

This will last us at least 2 weeks - if not more. 

So if I spend $100 to $120 on this delivery service each month, I think it is worth it. I'm planning on NOT going to the store at all while I can get fresh items delivered. I have enough food storage to supplement the fresh food. 

Right now, my plan is to re-stock my food storage every 3 months. Won't that be heaven to skip going to the grocery store? Not waiting in line. Extra time available to blog, scrapbook, read a book, play outside? I'm really excited about this.  

I think I can save money. I swear I cannot go to a store without spending at least $100. I always find more to purchase. If I don't go into a store - I won't spend money. 

Save money
Food made from scratch 
Eat healthier - organic food
Rotate food storage and live off of food storage

OK.... I already eat food storage. We don't ever go out for fast food and rarely go out to dinner. Brady likes home made, so that is what I do. He doesn't even like me to order pizzas. He has always been health conscience and doesn't like fast food. Recently he watch the movie "Super-size Me" in his health class in school. He came home and told me how thankful he was that I cook dinner.. Awe! I felt like a great mother. 

The other benefit is trying new things: 
Confession time: 
I have never cooked or eaten an Artichoke - REALLY! I've been looking at YouTube videos on how to do it and I'm excited to try these new things.

Plus, I've tried to cook Brussels sprouts once and hated them. But, I looked at the YouTube video section and found out I did it all wrong. I'm willing to try it again and hopefully we will like them. 

I normally don't purchase small red potatoes either. I've been researching different kinds of recipes to try.

And.....I don't purchase blueberries either. I know! (shaking head)... especially with all the benefits of eating them. I'm going to put them in my vanilla yogurt ... plus pancakes ... I could even make muffins. 

It's really exciting to be forced to try new things, instead of purchasing the same old things week after week. 

 My other confession is I don't make green salads too often to go with dinner. 

We eat healthy though. We eat fruits and vegetables all the time. I just don't make green salads for dinner. We eat lettuce on sandwiches, burritos, tacos - stuff like that. We eat tons of broccoli (our favorite). I make stir fry at least every week. We always eat vegetables. Brady even eats carrots in his lunch every day. 

I make healthy meals everyday, but this is going to be fun trying new things.

Brady and I have decided on getting really healthy. He went for a run today and I went for a brisk walk. Our goal is to exercise every day. Eat healthy and yes, we are going to have a green salad with dinner every night.

I really want to get healthy this year (and lose weight). I hate going on diets! I just can't do that anymore. So my mind set is to get healthy and feel good, instead of joining some diet program, I chose to try a healthy lifestyle. 

I eat healthy - but I'm also a chocoholic and have sweet tooth. I need to find moderation in my sugar 
addiction. It would be nice to be healthy and thinner by my 50th birthday. That is the goal or by summer wouldn't be too bad either. I just want to feel comfortable in my own body - but be healthier too. 

I know a lot of my blogging friends do Bountiful Baskets. I found out they deliver at a place that is in walking distance of my home. I'm going to go check it out this weekend and see if I prefer that (I think it is cheaper - but it isn't delivery *wink). I'd love to be able to skip the grocery store all together, wouldn't that be a nice feeling?


  1. Okay. You are too funny! I too have never tried most of those things and will be trying brussel sprouts soon ... I have a plain muffin recipe if you want to try it and add the blueberries to it.

    And just so you know, I am on a 'meal plan' right now too! We would love to go on a run with Brady when we come up ...

    Great post! I loved it!

  2. sounds wonderful! I order bountiful baskets--but we are such a small community that we only get it every other week--which is perfect for our family.

    and my father-in-law raises chickens so we have fresh eggs whenever we want.

    and I agree about shopping--I also spend more than I want at the store!

  3. I think it would be wonderful to not go to the grocery store - Alas that won't happen for me for some years as I always have a house full of people to feed, it's hard to stay stocked :-D
    BUT I am also on a health kick. I am not buying sugar items! We are eating more veggies and fruit!
    Brussel sprouts are one of my favorite foods (not many people like them) but I steam them and sprinkle a little parmesan cheese on top - Yum!!
    Your plan sounds great!!!
