
Monday, April 11, 2011

Jennifer and Nathan's Wedding

 Saturday April 9, 2011 Brady and I attended my niece Jenny's wedding to Nate. 
Bridesmaids and Best men.
 The wedding was held outside on the deck of the penthouse at the C.W. Moore Building in Boise Idaho.
 It was a little cold. The flower girls. Jenny's daughter, Kylee is on the right hand side, brown hair.

 My brother, Lyle and his daughter Jenny. Walking down the aisle to Nate.
 The back of Jenny's dress was gorgeous! Her dress was beautiful. 
 Kylee loving every minute of the wedding!
 They were married by Nate's stake President.
 It was an LDS wedding marriage. I was really surprised at the words used to marry them. Jenny isn't LDS, but Nate is. I was wondering the whole time what she was thinking. It was a great ceremony and I loved the council given to the newlyweds.
 Jenny putting on Nate's wedding ring.
The kiss was long and drawn out. Aaaah the love! 
 After the wedding, Jenny hid down a hallway, while they tightened up the the dress so she wouldn't fall out. I wonder if she wished that she had straps holding up the dress. It seemed like a big inconvenience to keep it up. But, she was a beautiful bride!
 Her lovely bouquet.
 Waiting for family pictures. I'm glad Jenny found a wonderful husband!
 Lyle, my brother, Jenny, Nate, and Kriss (Mom).
 Family picture: Taylor (Lyle's daughter), Lyle, Gabe (Jenny's son), Nate, Kriss, Grant (Lyle's son) and Kylee on the bottom.
 They had a reception and dinner after the wedding. It was very nice.
 The dinner was a green salad with strawberries, herb rice, roasted vegetables, stuffed chicken and bread. Yummy!
The wedding couple having their first meal together. 
Lyle and Grant.

It was a beautiful wedding! I am very happy for them and wish them joy in their life together. 


  1. Thanks for posting this. I wish we had been there. She showed me her dress pictures at Thanksgiving and I knew she would be beautiful. He is a great guy and good to the kids. I'm happy for them!

  2. What a beautiful couple!
    Looks like a good time for everyone and looks like they'll be so happy.

  3. Looks like a great day ... Glad that you were there to give your support.
