
Friday, June 11, 2010

It's Growing!

I''m excited that we have pea pods! I can't wait to get a taste of fresh peas... It's been too many years.
My orange poppy flowers are growing.
My rose vine is thriving. Several years ago, I cut this way down because it was diseased. After I cut it down, only a wild rose bloomed. I thought the pretty rose was gone for good. This is the first year, this has come back and it is beautiful!
This wet spring / cold spring has made our roses gorgeous. My neighbor across the streets are awesome. She has lots more then I do and WOW!
Our miniature rose bushes are covered in tiny roses!
Peonies are starting to bloom! I love it! Everything smells wonderful. Soon my honeysuckle vine will be in full bloom and oooooh it's gonna smell heavenly each time I walk outside.


  1. Sondra,
    Those look great!! I need your green thumb!!!

  2. Oh, my goodness! Those are beautiful. You are obviously having much warmer weather on your side of the state!
