
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Homemade Salted Nut Rolls

Somehow I've become the "treat mom" with Brady's friends. I think it is because I'm probably one of the few moms who cook from scratch. Brady was asked to bring treats for the overnight schools out party. I made chocolate chip cookies, homemade Twix bars and Salted Nut Rolls - plus I sent strawberries and watermelon with the fruit spread made from strawberry cream cheese and marshmallow cream ---yummy!
Kimmie over at Pink Cookies with Sprinkles posted a no bake recipe for Salted Nut Rolls. I had to try them! Here is the link to the recipe.
This was such an easy recipe. I wonder though if you could forgo the peanut butter chips and just use peanut butter.... hmmmm. (I always have peanut butter in my food storage - not so much with the chips - however, I may have to add them just for this recipe).

They are really light and gooey.. Mine look more gooey then hers does - but I'm sure they taste the same.
I wrapped them individually and put them in the fridge. They are really rich - that is what I love about homemade treats - they fill you up!

I will definitely make these again - VERY EASY and good! Enjoy!


  1. I made these a few weeks ago.
    We all loved them.

  2. I think I would love them. I'll let you know when I make them. Love baking better than cooking.

  3. You are an awesome mom!! Homemade treats, strawberries, watermelon and fruit spread!! I am always amazed at how much effort you put into everything for your kids.

    I thought I was an effort person, but then I look at you and all you do and feel like I only do a fraction of the effort that you do.

    You inspire me greatly Sondra!

    Your Salted Nut Rolls look delicious!! I bet peanut butter would be a great thing to try. I usually have everything in my food storage but the peanut butter chips and peanuts, so that would be a great thing to try making them with peanut butter instead.

    Homemade treats are the best, especially when they're made by such a wonderful mom who puts so much love into everything she does like YOU do!!

    Hope you're having a great week!
