
Friday, April 9, 2010

Shawn's Mission Call

My nephews, Kevin and Shawn. Kevin just returned from his mission in Serbia in this picture. Shawn has his mission call now - read below to see where he is going.
At 11:11 pm last night, my telephone started ringing..  I couldn't believe it and the first thing that pops into your head is who is dead or hurt. For some reason, the phone in my bedroom was unplugged and wasn't ringing. I hurried into the kitchen and missed the phone call, but it was my sister's number on the caller ID. My heart is starting to beat really hard.... what happened.

I hurry and call back. Shawn answers the phone.

I told him it was Aunt Sondra and asked him what was wrong.

Uuhmmmm ... He was shocked - because he meant to send me a text to my cell phone, not call me.

He was letting me know that he received his mission call to serve the Lord and the people in Mesa, Arizona... Spanish speaking mission. He is leaving July 7, 2010.

I'm really excited for Shawn and his opportunity to serve the Lord!! Yeah Shawn!!

Today as the news sinks in and I realize where he is going, I am sure he will be safe, but there is unrest near the board of Mexico with the Drug Lords -- AND Shawn will be serving the Spanish speaking people in Arizona.

First Kevin was sent to war ridden Serbia on his mission and Shawn is going to another type of war area. These are strong valiant men to be called to these areas. They are great examples and are a shining star to the Lord's side for these people. I know the Lord will keep Shawn safe, just like he kept Kevin safe in Serbia.

Hopefully I will be better at sending letters to Shawn... Kevin received a few from me - but it's my goal to be much better for Shawn.... A little practise for when Brady leaves for his mission in a little over 3 years.

Shawn, I'm really proud of you for choosing to serve the Lord for 2 years. Congratulations on your mission call!


  1. Congrats on his call. He'll be great serving the Spanish speaking! It brings back memories of my call.
    Have you ever gone to YouTube and looked up mission calls? Some of them are so funny and most made me cry. Exciting!!
    Have a great weekend,

  2. Congrats on the call for your nephew. It is always exciting when a missionary gets called.
    I wanted to tell you to not be worried.
    Mesa, Arizona is not dangerous at all.
    It is beautiful and chock full of LDS people (and golf courses - ha ha):D
    Our good friends have just spent the last 3 years as the Mission President for the Mesa Arizona Mission. They will just miss your nephew as they are getting released at the end of June.
    And a year and a half ago we went to Mesa for a wedding and the Temple there is beautiful.
    He will REALLY love it there and I am sure his mission will be wonderful!

  3. Wah-hoo! So excited for him!

  4. i freak out when the phone rings at odd hours too!

  5. Congrats Shawn! And thanks Sondra for posting and keeping us in the loop. :)

  6. YEA!!! That's wonderful! I used to spend a little time in Mesa visiting my grandparents. It's gorgeous there.

    I've missed you. So glad I didn't miss out on the HOT POCKETS recipe! I have a son who will love this. Much better than the store bought ones I'M CERTAIN!!

    Glad to be back to blogging again.
