
Friday, February 12, 2010

Let's get to know each other better

My friend Kelli sent this to me via email. I decided it was the perfect thing to blog about. Feel free to blog about this too - if you'd like.

1. What time did you get up this morning? Internal clock is 5:30 / 6:30 depending on daylight savings. Right now I always get up at 5:30 and go to the bathroom and go back to bed until the alarm goes off at 6am.

2. Diamonds or pearls? Pearls - but really I don't do jewelry

3 What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Avatar

4. What is your favorite TV show? Vampire Diaries

5. What do you usually have for breakfast? Corn Chex or Cheerios

6. What is your middle name? Dee

7. What food do you dislike? Raw onions

8. Who was your best friend when you were a child? Anena  Martin and Cindy Morrison

9. What kind of car do you drive? Pontiac Bonneville

10. Favorite Sandwich? Ham and Cheese

11.What characteristic do you despise? Rude or mean

12. Favorite item of clothing? Levis and T-shirt

13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? London

14. Favorite brand of clothing? Not a "brand" type of girl

15. Where would you retire to? Here or near my children

17. Favorite sport to watch? I don't watch sports

18. Furthermost Place you are sending this? ?? Posting on my blog - around the world

19. Person you expect to send it back first? Or blog about.. Scrappy Girl

20. When is your birthday? February 17

21. Morning or night person? Both... I don't sleep in and tend to stay up too late on the computer :-D ha ha

22. What is your shoe size? 7 1/2

23. Pets? None

24. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? Nope

25. What did you want to be when you were little? A wife and mother

26. How are you today? Great

27. What is your favorite chocolate bar? Kit Kat - anything really I LOVE Chocolate!!

28. What is your favorite flower? I don't care - I like them all.

29. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? ?????

30. What is your full name? Sondra _______ Beep (Private)

31. What are you listening to right now? Movie on Lifetime

32. What was the last thing you ate? Cheese string

33. Do you wish on stars? Not since I was a little girl

34. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Blue

35. How is the weather right now? Mild and looking like spring

36. The first person you spoke to on the phone today? Mary Kay

37. Favorite soft drink? Diet Coke

38. Favorite restaurant? Sizzler

39. Real hair color? Brown

40. What was your favorite toy as a child? Mia and Velvet - Hair growing dolls

41. Summer or winter? Summer

43. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate

44. Coffee or tea? Neither

45. Do you want your friends to email you back? Of Course or blog about this...

46. When was the last time you cried? January 31

47. What is under your bed? All kinds of stuff.......too much to say, Needs to be cleaned!!!

48. What did you do last night? I went to a Primary meeting, then watched Vampire Diaries.

49. What are you afraid of? Bad health where I can't work

50. Salty or sweet? Sweet

51. How many keys on your key ring? six

52. How many years at your current job? Self employed....7 years

53. Favorite day of the week? Saturday- Get to stay home!!

54. How many towns have you lived in? 5

55. Do you make friends easily? No

56. How many people will you send this to?  Zero - but I'd like to see my blog friends and relatives blog about this.

57. How many will respond? ???


  1. NO WAY!!!! Your name is "Sondra Dee"!!! I love it!!! Wasn't there a movie person with that name or is that Sandra Dee?? So cute.

    My favorite doll as a girl was also my Mia doll. I loved doing her hair!!

    And #29 the answer is October 8th right!!!!! Yahooo!!!!!!!

  2. I almost wrote on your card the other day Sondra Dee! No way!! That is the coolest thing ever!!

    I wish I could have talked to you about Vampire Diaries last night! Holy Moly! Lots of surprises and craziness! I admit.. I could be Catherine.. I love both Salvatore boys! I am sad it's gone till March! Booooooo!!!!!

    Loved to read your list.. your birthday should be what your looking forward too. :) Your boys were great last year.. I hope they spoil you again.. :)

    I hope you have a happy day off Saturday my friend. :)
    ~ Enjoy a Kit Kat. :)

  3. So awesome to know more about you! Funny!
    A soon to be birthday girl. I'm partial to February birthdays myself.
    Hope your weekend is a good one!

  4. You totally GOT me...I was thinking "I want to do this." Then I read that you thought I would be the one to blog about cracked up and nearly choked on my pop tart!

    How freaked out were you at the end of VD when they said MARCH 25TH! OMGoodness....I can't wait that long. And I just wanted to hug poor Damon. I can't believe she was not in there...I can't believe she knew where he was! It was heart breaking! Ahhhhh! I can't wait til March 25th! That seems SO far away!

  5. You've been self-employed for 7 years. Wow! Congrats. I'm sure it is a lot of work.

  6. Fun!
    I still have my Cricket and Tressy hair grow dolls! They are kind of scary looking now (need to be refurbished!).

  7. I nominated you for the "Beautiful Blog" Award.
    come to my blog to redeem!

  8. My sister had a Velevet doll, I had Cinnamon and the baby Crissy doll. LOVED THEM!!!

    I tried to leave a comment on your top post but something was stopping dad owned a construction company, and the fellows that worked for him used to sing that to me. Hmmmm....I forgot all about that until I read you post.

    Love reading all about you!!!

  9. Hey girlie! Hope all is ok. I am thinking you are owed a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
