
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Book Review: The Mortal Instruments

I finished reading The Mortal Instrument series that Brady gave me for Christmas.
Book one: City of Bones
Book two: City of Ashes
Book three: City of Glass

I had to read half of the first book to really get into it. There are many twists and turns through out the series that keeps you guessing and intrigued. There are Vampires, Werewolves, Warlocks, Demons, Bad guys and good guys and good guys that turn into bad guys. It really keeps you guessing about what is going on.

I enjoyed the series, but it doesn't make the top of my list. First of course, Twilight, second, The Hunger Games, third, Harry Potter.... I love the Anita Stansfield LDS novels - but you have to start with her #1 book "First Love and Forever" and go through the series by number to understand them and enjoy them all.

Anyway, the downside to The Mortal Instruments for me was the twisted love stuff. I enjoy love stories between a girl and a boy... There were lots of twisted stuff in the love department (but not sexual images - if that makes since).

I also wanted more love story and it ended to quickly for me -- or I expected a bigger ending of love then it gave me... I'm just a hopeless romantic. There is lots of action and men would love this as well as women. 

All three books happen within a few months time of the characters life. It is quite wordy and lots of detail that I speed read over - because I wanted to focus on the story line and not all the little details (kind of like New Moon). I need to go back and read it again to pick up more of the history and details. 

I recommend it... but didn't care for the twisted love triangles in the novels.   

I need to find another book to read... I love reading! Any suggestions of what I should read next?


  1. I have heard about the Hunger Games from so many people I'm going to have to read them!

  2. What about Fablehaven? Surely you've read these by now. I have just read the poison study. Few swear words (which I don't love), but the plot was interesting and again, kept you guessing the whole time.

  3. Sondra have you ever read "The Work and The Glory" Series by Gerald Lund?
    Talk about great books, pioneer stories, history and LOVE. They are really, really good. They are big books but they are the type (like Twilight) that you can't wait for the next one. When they first came out you had to wait a year for each on...UGH!
    But I have them all if you ever want to borrow.
    I love Gerald Lund - I am currently reading his new one -The Undaunted and it is a fabulous read so far too!

  4. My husband is reading the Hunger Games and likes the books. I just finished reading "The Robe" by Lloyd C. Douglas. It is a story about a Roman soldier who took part in the crucifixion of Christ and what happend to him as he tried to make amends for what he did. I recommend it.

  5. I overheard some ladies talking about these books at Christmas time, so thanks for the review!

    Have you read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series of books by Rick Riordan? My 14 yr old son and I both liked them.
    I may have posted this before, but my hubby and my 2 older boys have loved the Great and Terrible series by Chris Stewart.
