
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Groundhog Day

Happy Groundhog Day!
The forecast is......6 more weeks of winter ...
The world's most famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, saw his shadow today, meaning winter will last another six weeks.

German tradition holds that if a hibernating animal casts a shadow on Feb. 2 —  winter will last another six weeks. If no shadow is seen, legend says spring will come early.

I feel a movie night tonight. Of course the selection will be Groundhog Day with Bill Murray. I love this movie.
6 more weeks of winter. I have to say sorry to those eastern states who have had a pounding of winter this year. Here in Idaho it has been very mild and little snow. We've had it very lucky this year. This week the temperature will be around 45 degrees. It feels like spring to me.


  1. Thanks for passing on the news. :) I hadn't heard either way about the groundhog. I'm sure not looking forward to 6 more weeks of winter, no matter how mild. I love spring!

  2. Honey, maybe in your Idaho you are having 45 degree MY Idaho we are having 12 degree weather with snow and ice and gray dreariness. I think I need to come to your house for some R&R from the weather.

    I was thinking yesterday that we only had 46 days until the first day of Spring.

    I'm trying to enjoy all the seasons this year, but today it's not working.

  3. This is one of my favorite movies too! I so enjoy replaying that day over and over again. I laugh so hard!

  4. I don't believe the whole groundhog rubbish - ha ha. I think the groundhog looked at his calendar and saw that "Oh Yes" there are 6 more weeks until winter...every year - ha ha.

    I DO love the movie Groundhog day. They had a marathon this past weekend and I watched it twice on Saturday. It is a great old movie!!!

    My word verification is: mormath...tell Brady - ha ha!

  5. I love the movie too!! And in my part of Idaho, it hasn't been above freezing & we have piles, & piles of snow :D

  6. I'm happy! bring on some more snow!!!! I wanna make some soup!
