
Friday, January 29, 2010

Burst of Energy

 For some reason I had a burst of energy last night. This is odd because usually on Thursday (huge working day), I am tired and kind of die and sit in front of the TV the whole night. Maybe the January blahs are behind me now and I've been able to get my energy back after the holiday push. It's been a busy week, but a very productive one.

Saturday and Sunday: Baptism Preview Preparations and Fireside... plus Primary lesson.

Monday: Big day, 2 houses and one business I clean. Home around 9 pm

Tuesday: Piano lessons and Brady wanted me to sit and watch a movie with him. When he asks this, I know he needs my attention. I always stop going and going and sit with him to watch a movie. We watched Ghost Town... I always laugh so hard during this movie. Love it!

Wednesday: Young Men's program. They had a special night for the Boys and their parents. The focus was to work and complete the Duty to God program. Then we divided into Deacons, Teachers and Priest with parents and worked on completing 2 activities in the book.

Thursday... Clean my biggest 2 customers (always a hard long day).

I had committed to Kelli to let her borrow my fake fire that we use for Primary Pioneer sharing time (July 24th). She needed it for Pack Meeting Thursday night. It's just 4 round pieces of fire wood stuck together with red and yellow crape paper stuck around it like a fire. Then I put flash lights inside to make it glow. It's been sitting in my garage for a couple of years and needed to be refreshed. She needed it for Pack meeting that night. I got home from work and revived it and took it to her.

Then I ran to Deseret Book and picked out a birthday present for Lauren, my first Primary student to turn 8 this year. Then I ran it over to her house. Happy Birthday Lauren!!

Usually I make a pot of soup over the weekend, bread and cookies or goodies to last through the week. I was terribly busy and didn't make anything for left overs during the week. I needed some soup. I decided to get busy and do some cooking.

I made chocolate chip cookies. Believe it or not - this is the first batch of cookies I have made since Christmas. It's the first time I was able to use my new Cookie Scoop that Jason and Sharon gave me for Christmas. I LOVE IT!! It really makes it easy to put the cookie dough on the cookie sheet. Yeah!!
I've also had some very sad bananas on my counter that needed to be made into Banana bread. I finally got that done too and made two loaves. One is in the freezer and one out to eat. Yum! (And now those sad little bananas are gone and not in the trash!)
I made my favorite soup, Chicken and Wild rice. The recipe is from Kimmie and it is my absolute favorite. It tastes like summer garden to me... Delicious! 
Then I remembered that we needed to run over to Norma's house and take out her garbage. She is one of my elderly customers and can't do it herself. I take Brady over there to do it for her. I almost forgot to do it and it was dark outside when I remembered. I called her and told her that we were on our way.

When we arrived at the gated community, I went to look for the code to get through the gate. To my dismay, I left it on the counter when I called her. I didn't want to run home and get it, so Brady crawled under the gate and ran over to her house. There are cameras around the gate. Who knows a police may show up at our house any moment. Hopefully not.... At least her garbage is out.
My Direct TV box to my big screen TV died last night. I have a repairman coming on Saturday. I haven't watched the Vampire Diaries yet. Thank goodness it is DVRed in my bedroom. I'll have to watch it tonight.

I also received a telephone call from someone who was referred to me for my cleaning services. I was in a quandary of what to do. Finally the holidays are over and I can have some extra time again to scrapbook and do fun things. Did I want to take on a new customer and give up the little free time I have? Hmmmmm - what to do? I decided to tell him I was full and would put him on my waiting list. The reason I decided to clean houses was to have time to myself and Brady. I want time to live. Just like my blog description says " Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life."

It was a great day! I love when I have bursts of energy on a week night -- and now I have yummy food in my kitchen. Can you say cook free night tonight and NO to ordering pizza.. We have yummy soup in the fridge!  Yeah!  Happy Friday!


  1. Vampire Diaries was good last night...but next week looks AWESOME! Can't wait.

    Glad you had a burst of energy...those feel great. I need to have a

    I twisted my ankle last night and am hobbling along. That's not what I needed 2 days before I have to pull of a fantastic Kitty birthday party for Cutie! I hope it heals quickly.

  2. Love you! You always know how to make me smile.

  3. I would love the recipe to wild rice soup. My sister in law had some wild rice soup once- tried to get the recipe- but the cook wouldn't give her the "secret ingredient" or the something extra she did so the soup wasn't nearly as good. You should email it to me or send me the link! :)

  4. You are so amazing! Good for you for not taking on another client right now. You do need some you time.
    I think I am going to do the soup thing for the weekend. I don't want to cook.
    I always love stopping by, I get energized by you!

  5. You didn't just have a burst of energy, you had a bionic burst! Wow, it made me tired reading it. I need to try Kimmie's soup. It looks delicious.

  6. I can't believe how much you accomplish in a day!! You inspire me greatly!

    There is nothing better than to have meals planned out and to not have to cook for a day or two. Good for you.

    I'm SO glad you enjoy that soup recipe. When I posted it, I didn't think too many people would enjoy it, but I think it has been more of hit than any other recipe I have posted. It thrills me that you enjoy that soup so much.

    Hope you have had a relaxing weekend and I hope this is happy week for you!!

  7. Thank you so much for sharing this Chicken Wild Rice recipe. I love the stuff but never thought to make it on my own until now. I am thawing chicken in my fridge right now. A quick trip to the store for a few essentials and ingredients and were having this tonight.


  8. i have a scoop like that from Pampered Chef...and it sucks...or maybe it is just me!!! I just use a table-spoon so I don't get mad at the scoop!!

    i love banana bread!!! I throw the brown bananas in the freezer until I have enough for a batch..then whip one up! Yummy...i just might have to make some tomorrow now!! thanks!

    got your cute cards...thanks! i love mail!!!
