
Friday, January 1, 2010

Reminiscing About 2009

The 2009 year was fantastic and I know that I was very blessed throughout the year. As I become wiser and older, life seems to have a peaceful rhythm. I am happy where my life is right now. There isn't as much struggle and I am freer to enjoy each moment - or I've learned to enjoy the journey. Is it age, wisdom or journaling/blogging that helps me savour and enjoy each day? I don't know, but I do know that life couldn't be much better. This year I celebrated my 47th birthday with a huge surprise from Jason and Sharon. It was the best birthday I've had since I was a little girl. I loved it and love that my children are older and want to spoil their Mom a little.
2009 summer I decided to try a container garden and it was very successful. For a small family or a small area to grow your garden this worked well for us. I had tons of green beans and tomatoes all grown from seeds. I was able to can many jars for my food storage.

I feel that my food storage and self reliance goals progressed tremendously. I ground my own wheat, made my own bread, started making more meals from scratch and found many, many great recipes which I compiled in a great binder. I also completed a 2 week emergency test that was eye opening. It changed me in many ways, but most of all helped me know that we are prepared and are able to handle many challenges that may come.
Brady was able to attend Adventure for Youth at BYU Idaho with his cousin Autumn. It was a faith promoting week and he had a blast. Brady also completed drivers training this past summer, but I've been really bad at following through and letting him drive. I've been thinking about putting him in another class for more training. However, the rules for him to get his drivers license is still in effect - he must complete his Boys Scouts Eagle rank before he is allowed to get a full drivers license. Maybe this summer he will get this completed.
My yard was beautiful this year. I was able to get curbing throughout my yard. I couldn't be more pleased with the results. It sure make everything look more professional and beautiful. There are still things I need to work on in my yard, but it gets better every year.
I re-decorated my living room with new paint, new couch and love seat and new throw rugs. I have enjoyed the new warmness it has brought to our home.
Most importantly I was able to attend the sealing of my brother and his family. Families are forever and that is what is most precious in this life on earth.

I had a wonderful time with my Primary class. I am excited to say that I still get to be with the 7 year olds who turn 8 this year - baptism year. Yippee!

My family and I have been blessed throughout the year. My job has been secure providing for our needs and wants, and being able to help out others when we can.

Here is to "2009" and we can't wait to see the wonderful things that happen in "2010" - a new decade of miracles and "enjoying the journey".


  1. Sondra, I love the gratitude that you share!
    You are an inspirational woman and a true soul.
    Thanks for sharing that part of yourself in your blog!
    Happy New Year, may 2010 be the best yet.

  2. Loved your post! It was awesome! Maybe I will try to do something like that as well. Also, how did you get your signature on there? It's awesome!

  3. Great birthday cake!
    You have so many inspirational posts and your positive attitude comes out in all of them! I'm glad your year was great and 2010 should be even greater!
    Take care and happy new year!

  4. Sondra,
    I have enjoyed peeping through your posts and AI like the feel of it. I'm a member from Minnesnowda who is not your average LDS family but we are faithful just the same. I like that you got to see your brother's family sealed. Beautiful shared moments!

    check us out some time.

  5. Sondra! You inspire us all and I loved reminiscing with you!

    BTW...Awesome signature at the bottom of your post!!

    You are beautiful inside and out and I appreciate all of the positive and helpful things you bring to the blogging world!

    So happy you got spoiled on your birthday and it was the best one since being a little girl! I can tell your kids love you as much as you love them.

    YES, the BEST truly is yet to be! 2010 will be a wonderful year and I look forward to enjoying and embracing everything that comes our way! Happy New Year!

  6. I'm glad you were able to concentrate on many great things that happened throughout the year. Many people I know are concentrating on the bad things (it has been a rough year for many) and leaving them behind, but it's great to realize all of our blessings even through our trials. Thanks for spreading the joy. Your yard and living room look beautiful!

  7. Great Post! I must say, it's been fun to be part of seeing you do all you've done this past year. You've done some pretty groovy things!

    Each year is a journey, here we go.
    Have a great day.

  8. what a great year! I love your container gardens! They look beautiful! That is a great accomplishment!

    Here's to an equally rewarding 2010!!

  9. I am so glad 2009 was a great year for you. Thank you for the inspiration you share and for being my bloggy friend...hope 2010 is a great one for ya!
