
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Ho Ho Ho! Santa Came to our House!

Christmas Morning came at 7 am. Jason and Sharon stayed the night Christmas Eve. We enjoyed great food and a game of Phase 10 and Brady won - woo hoo! I love being with my family on Christmas Eve. Our tradition is rolls, meat and cheese trays. relish trays, crackers and cheese balls, Christmas goody trays... yum! sooo much food, atmosphere - but most of all family.

One present was opened on Christmas Eve - New pajama's of course. A tradition.

Our Christmas tree on Christmas morning - loaded with presents and stuffed stockings.

Sharon and Jason opening Christmas presents. This year they gave me a long list of what they wanted. I love lists better then trying to come up with something they need or want. I could have spent a bunch of money trying to purchase all their wants - but I made a dent before the budget ran out. I didn't want to go into this Christmas with any debt and I succeeded - cash for everything!

Brady kept in his laying down position - wrapped in a blanket. I just kept handing him presents. This was a lot better then last year. He was happy and cheerful this year. .. last year he was a grumpy teenager who we made get up to early *giggle. I'm glad he wasn't that way this year.

Jason got 3 t-shirts this year. This particular one I didn't want to get him - I didn't like it and told him no.... It was a surprise for him that he got it. I'm just tooooooooo nice!

Jason and Sharon wanted the Beatles Rock Band for their X-box. It was second on their list.

The first item on their list was a computer chair. I found a pretty good deal on a chair that mass-ss-ssages.                  

I think they were happy to get a good chair for their computer. Jason also got an x-box game Halo Wars.

Sharon's items on her list that I was able to get them was:  a hand mixer, baking dishes - muffin pan, cake pan and cookie sheets, a set of matching silverware, mixing bowls. She also wanted a BSU Bronco white hoodie.

Brady's list was the Nickelodeon cartoon Avatar DVD's (there are 3 sets/seasons), an electric razor, Cooking Mama DS game, Gardening Mama DS game, Rockband additional songs game, A Sims game, a sit-up bar that holds your feet and tucks under a door. His Dad got him new shoes and an iTunes gift card.

He was very happy with all of his presents - it was a great Christmas (quoting Brady - you did a good job Mom).

This Christmas I have been blissfully happy. It was a wonderful day!

Oh I didn't put down what I got. My Mom sent me a beautiful picture for my wall. When I get it hung I'll post a picture. My list for Jason and Sharon was new fry pans and a cookie scoop. Brady came up with a great plan all on his own. At the ward Christmas party my friend Trina told me a of a new book set she was reading (vampires) called "The Mortal Instruments" it's a 3 book set, the books are "City of Bones", "City of Ashes" and "City of Glass". Stephanie Meyers review was: "The Mortal Instruments series is a story world that I love to live in. Beautiful!". Trina was loving them.... Brady is very clever to get them for me. I'm excited to dive in and read them.

Christmas is a wonderful time of the year. We have been very blessed! Merry Christmas!


  1. oh how fun! Glad everyone enjoyed Christmas!!!

  2. I'm so glad that you enjoyed your Christmas! Merry Christmas!

  3. I love that Brady stayed on the couch and was "waited upon"! So funny!
    Looks like it was a great Christmas for you and your family.
    Family does make it wonderful.
    I love your Christmas eve food tradition, yummy!

  4. So fun to have the family all together. I just came back from my daughter's house. They got Beatles Rock Band and we rocked the house with it! That's one band I know the words to and it's so much fun! Especially with all the little grandkids wanting a turn! Those are good words to hear, "Mom, you did a good job!"
    Good job!

  5. Looks like a great Christmas! I loved spying my card on the door! Made me tear up for some reason...maybe I'm hormonal or I am glad you liked it. You'll have to let me know if those books are good!

  6. I'm glad you had a GREAT Christmas Sondra!!

    Have a Safe and Happy New Year!
