
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween! Boo!

I have really enjoyed this Halloween season. I can't believe it is over and time to take down Halloween decorations and put up Thanksgiving. It always goes very fast. It is sad that I don't have a little child to dress up and take trick or treating anymore. Brady was thinking about going ... but decided not to go this year. I think he is getting a little old - a sophomore in high school should be partying not trick or treating. Next year he will be 16 so it will be easier to do some fun things with friends on a group date night or something fun. This year is kind oh hum.... but we enjoyed the day.

Friday Brady had his monthly seminary devotional. He did the same one as last year - minus the pumpkin poop as we are trying to cut back and not spend as much this year. Here is a link to the October devotional. This is the pumpkin we used this year and he did take sugar cookies for the class. It was fun and his class love his devotionals.
Thursday one of my customers Mary Kay gave me a Halloween treat. She is always coming up with a treat for every holiday for her co-workers and her children's school class.
Spectacular treats for me.... I feel loved and appreciated.
The witch is bubble bath, a hand stamp, chocolate, Halloween pen, pumpkin succor, and a Frankenstein Spooookiwi pop all in a kitty bucket.
These are the pumpkins we carved this year. The three large ones in the middle we grew in our garden, the two other pumpkins were left over from my Primary party.
Unfortunately as our children grow into teenagers - it becomes begging and pleading to have them participate in all the fun. I carved 4 pumpkins while Brady carved one. Shaking my head right now...

Brady's pumpkin is the forth smiley face by the skeleton.. At least we have a beautiful display of pumpkins all lit up outside our door. I think I am still a kid at heart - never to grow up. I know I will still be doing this as a single - kid less woman.... Never grow up is my motto... Hopefully my children will get to this fun age someday too! :-D

Happy Halloween!


  1. Never grow up is a great motto!

    Happy Halloween!

    I got to blog from 34,000 feet today! I couldn't believe the plane had wifi and it was free today! woohoo!

    Love the owl pumpkin!

  2. I love it! Hopefully you had a wonderful Halloween!!! Love you!

  3. Your pumpin carving skills are supurb! So fun!!

    Ya.. 16 is too old. I had as many older kids *mooching* off candy as I did younger ones. Some of the kids graduated from High School a FEW YEARS AGO. Shameful. But.. I have to be REALLY nice.. or they may come back and play a trick on us. ( you know what I mean??)

    Gratyeful your Halloween was Happy!

  4. your pumpkins look GREAT! love the cute faces!

  5. LOVE those pumpkins!! Our week got away from us and we never had time to get our pumpkins carved.

    YES, it really is all of the "little moments" that make life BIG!!

    SO glad you had a FUN Halloween and I'm glad I checked your Blog because my children just LOVED the Ghost pancakes we had for breakfast Saturday morning. You always have the BEST ideas.

    Hope you are having a great week!
