
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

4th of July Playing Games and Wicked Storm

The 4th of July was a very relaxing day, at least for me. Saturday morning I got up and turned on the TV and laid around all morning. Then the kids started getting up and asked me if Grandma was going to make breakfast. None of us wanted to get up, go upstairs and ask her - being a very lazy morning. I decided to pull my cell phone out and give her a call - she laughed... fortunately for us, she was in the process of making some yummy waffles for us. (I love being the daughter and letting my Mom baby me a little - it's great every once in a while).

Cindy and Kelly came over for a visit. It was nice to see them and sit out on the patio heckling the golfers and enjoying the water fall. After they left, Mom and I decided to go and see Cindy's new house and yard - which was gorgeous and run to the store. Cindy sent some games and puzzles home with us for the kids to play with.
Hope is putting together a Barney puzzle and having a great time.
Richard decided to sit down and help Hope with a puzzle - he is such a great dad.
Tymber, Autumn and Brady played Life, twists and turns ( I really like this game too).

The adults played Phase 10 (but, I don't have any pictures of us).
Here is Autumn and Brady still going at it.
We barbecued some yummy steaks and had potato salad, baked beans, veggies, fruit plate -- very wonderful. We sat out on the deck as some wicked clouds started coming our way. Luckily we were finished eating and just sitting outside and visiting. The rain started slowly, then harder and we moved inside and watched.

It was really coming down! Here is my Mom's waterfall in her back yard (Richard built it - wow!).
Past the waterfall to the golf course - it became a river... tons of rain! I've never seen so much rain in such a short period of time. This just doesn't happen in Idaho.
Then hail started pounding the roof. We had to run out and look... Crazy weather. Cute Hope!
After the storm was a double rainbow. Brady was good enough to be in the picture - although it's a little dark. It was pretty chilly!
I love rainbows and what they represent. They are God's promise that he will never flood the earth again. I love seeing God's love in the sky after each rain! Rainbows are one of my favorite things!
Here you can see the double rainbow.

At least it quit in time for the firework show. But it was a cold night in Idaho - with it's CRAZY weather. My niece Zoey Michelle's neighborhood was completely flooded, the whole road, up on the lawn and everyone lost their garden. Here is a link to her blog on this storm:

Over all it was a fun 4th of July - Good food, Games, Family, Storm and Fireworks!


  1. So glad you had a great 4th of July. The rainbow picture is AMAZING!!!

    I've had a good time catching up! It's just amazing what a close family you have!!! HOWEVER, I think they enjoy being with you just the same.
    Have a great day.

  2. That is so fun that you linked to my blog! Very funny! Yes, the storm was crazy. . .
