
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring Swap

A couple of weeks ago, Cherie at Bakow Babbles held a spring swap. If we were interested in joining we signed up with her. Then she matched 2 people together and we were to send some surprises with at least 3 spring things in the package.

My swap partner was Wendy from "No Botox Allowed". I was able to get a little gift sent to her and today I received a package in the mail from her.
Woo Hoo - the mother load!! Look at all that cool stuff! Wendy sure did spoil me!! I totally LOVE everything! Isn't it fun to get surprises in the mail?? I love it!

She sent me eight fabulous wash clothes that match my colors... cool and very nice!

2 bars of Olive Oil soap... Orange and jasmine scented. How fun!

Also some Bath gel from Avon - scented blackberry and vanilla

4 piece manicure set - which my poor finger nails are desperately in need of - a good manicure.

Note tags to mark special notes to books without altering the pages! This will come in handy... I always mark up LDS books I read - especially Sheri Dew books. Now I'll be able to find the references quicker...

Kiss Me mints.... Hmmmmm Kiss me?? What's that?? But, I love the mints. (it has a frog on the front)... to find my Prince! Perfect kiss me mints - for me!!

Now....talking about kissable lips... she sent me some Avon lip gloss... Is she hinting that I need some kissing action?? I'll have to think on that --- or dream on that!! LOL!

A note pad to stick on my fridge that says: "i was never meant to work".. I'll say Yeah to that!! Where is that husband to work for me.... Oh... yeah --- gone... I guess I'll have to work... Darn!

And a really cute magnet that says: "Things happen for a reason. Just believe.

Like I said....Wendy totally spoiled me...

Thanks a bunch!! I loved it all!!

Cherie -- thanks for having a spring swap... It was such fun!!


  1. Oh ---I am sooooo glad you liked it. I have the beautiful blanket/throw you sent me across the rocking chair in my living room. Was a fun thing to do Sondra. Hope you get that kiss (tee.hee)

  2. Cute stuff! I know Wendy through blogging.. She is FUN!

    You should have posted what you sent.. I have enjoyed looking at everybody's loot! It's like a spring birthday!!

  3. LOVE IT!! I am having so much fun seeing what everyone received in the swap!

    CUTE CUTE stuff!!

  4. did hit the jackpot!! I have more fun swapping! This was my third and I get things I'd never get for myself.

    FUNNY...about the kissing business. I laughed.
    Have a good day.

  5. Sondra---SO fun to see the Spring Swap items. I'm so glad Cherie did was great!

    Thanks for your comments on my Blog. I sure have a long ways to go, but I am "Finding Joy in the Journey" and I am SO glad that something that I have said has been helpful to someone else!

    I hope you have an Enjoyable Day!

  6. How fun! Everyone loves 'fun mail'!
    Have a great day!

  7. Cool...great loot! You got a great partner!
