
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Joys of Cooking

One of my favorite things I love about blogging is all the inspiration I am able to get when I visit other blogs. You blogging women out there are simply amazing! You are talented, creative, smart, witty and inspiring. I can get sucked in to the blog world for hours and hours reading your blogs and searching your site. I try to limit the hours I stay on-line to have a real life ..... but sometimes it is hard to do.

I have really become addicted to getting recipes. You ,my friends, are awesome cooks. When I was a little girl and being the baby daughter, I had NO interest in learning how to cook. I didn't want to do it at all. I always said that if I couldn't get it out of a box - then I wouldn't eat it and my husband would have to deal with it - LOL! (this is true).

Through necessity, I have had to learn how to cook a few things. Of course, I have my few basic recipes that I cook over and over - the same hum drum... I like things that are quick and come out of a package - still to this day. I work hard every day and don't really want to spend hours in the kitchen when I come home.

Lately though.... I have been inspired over and over again by all the great recipes I run across. I really want to be a better cook and be able to use the food I store, which I think is part of self-reliance and emergency preparedness to know what to do with the food now and not just in an emergency.
Who would know that I would start loving to cook?? I have become better prepared and a better cook since blogging and being inspired by all of you.

I received the sweetest call on Sunday from my niece Zoey Michelle. When her family was here visiting, I sent 6 loaves of bread home to my family members with her. They liked my bread recipe and made it over the weekend. She was very excited and proud of her bread that she called me to share the news and invited their neighbors over for a piece of warm homemade bread. I was excited for her as much as I was excited for me when I made my first homemade bread. It's a great feeling to know you can provide basic food for your family without having to go to the store and in case of an emergency. We are learning what to do with our food storage and it's a great feeling.

Over the weekend I made the best soup. Wild rice and chicken soup from Pinks Cookies with Sprinkles. I found her blog when Cherie featured her last week. She is an amazing, health conscience and frugal cook. I have really enjoyed browsing her recipes.

I've started a binder that is full of detailed recipes I find on different blogs. Everyday, by your examples - I am becoming a better me! It's a great feeling! Thanks for all the inspiration you give to me daily through your amazing blogs!


  1. Great post!!
    I am glad you are now finding this buried talent!!

    I still want to try your chicken fingers. I can remember that post, and it looks like something my family would love...

    I feel guilty about this. I am a recipe snob. I come from a family of EXCELLENT cooks, and I gather what I think tastes Divine. Why don't I post my favorite recipes? Because most of my blogging friends are so health consience they would probably have a stroke when they see some of my ingredients.. I love food.
    I have a GREAT brown sugar meatloaf, and some killer Chicken recipes, but I know if I put them on, people would change them around anyways.. and then who knows if they would still be as yummy "modified?" You know what I mean? Oh my.. I am talking alot. You can tell I have been away from the blog for a while..
    Kimmie's recipes are great! She is a fun girl! I'm glad so many people are meeting up.. I know amazing women!!

    Thanks for your kind words these past few days.. I appreciate you..

  2. Sondra I have a feeling you are one of the most amazing cooks out there. You are so dedicated to using your food storage and making healthy recipes. I am in awe of you constantly.
    I am always thankful you share your recipes!
    Great Post!

  3. gSondra, I've seen some things you've cooked. You're a cook!!!! Now I'm the chick that had to call her mom after I got married and ask how to make CORN ON THE COB!!!

    I'm with you though. I love that people share theire recipes, and I use a lot of them at home. I've enjoyed blogging because of the great ideas I find, and mostly....I meet people like you!!
    Have a great day.

  4. I have no idea why there is a g in front of your name :)

  5. YES!!! We love the bread and all of the recipes too! Our neighbors were so grateful that we invited them over. It was really so much fun.

    On a side note, I just thought that I would add that I could only cook boxed food and chili enchiladas when we first were married. Now, I've added SO many more recipes that my family loves and enjoys!!!

    Thanks for being so great and letting us share the good news!

  6. Oh man Sondra, I wish I could get passionate about cooking --but just can't. I have a big binder full of "unorganized" great receipes - they are a mess, and I don't even use them.

  7. I don't like to cook and I will admit that blogging has "almost" inspired me to experiment with recipes.
