
Monday, April 13, 2009

Food Storage Recipe: Pinto Bean Fudge

Pinto Bean Fudge

1 cup cooked, soft pinto beans, drained and mashed or reconstituted equivalent of re-hydrated refried
1/4 cup milk
1 TBSP vanilla
2 lbs. powdered sugar
6 oz. unsweetened chocolate
6 TBSP butter or margarine
Nuts, chopped (optional)

In large bowl stir beans and milk together, adding enough milk to resemble mashed potatoes in
consistency; stir in vanilla. Melt chocolate and butter and stir into bean mixture. Add nuts.

Gradually stir in powdered sugar to get it well blended. Spread into lightly buttered 9 inch baking dish or form into two 1 and 1/2 inch rolls. Chill 1-2 hours. Cut into pieces. Refrigerate.


  1. You have been posting like a crazy woman!! I'm loving all the recipes though - some are interesting like this one.
    I have to ask - does it taste like fudge??

  2. Cherie, Surprisingly Delicious. You would NEVER know that there were pinto beans in it. I was really surprised at how yummy Everything was! That's why I had to post them all. I need all the food storage recipes I can get my hands on - it was fun to taste them all.
