
Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Children are all Grown UP!

This year I was informed that Brady is not a "CHILD" anymore and does NOT want to do anything fun for Easter.
The Easter Bunny does NOT need to come and visit our house anymore.

The Easter Bunny does NOT have to hide eggs anymore.
But he will decorate some eggs!
Brady does NOT even want an Easter Basket.
Because he says he never eats it anyway - which is true.
All he DOES want is a chocolate Easter Bunny.

My heart fell -- WHAT?? You don't want the Easter Bunny to come to our house?? What?? sniffle - sniffle... I can't believe my baby is all grown up.. sniffle - sniffle.

However, Ann Marie had a great post today that her grandparents put money in the plastic eggs for the Easter Bunny to hide. Hmmmmm great idea. I can NOT bear that we will NOT be having the Easter Bunny coming to our house anymore. What a sad day!

There was a great article in the Ensign this month about Easter Baskets with blessings. I think I'll have to hit Deseret book and Seagull book. Here is the article:

With a little thought, you can prepare Easter baskets for your children that focus on the gospel. Many materials at Church distribution centers make ideal gifts. One year we purchased several sets of New Era poster cards and some red scripture-marking pencils. We divided up some of the cards and put them and a pencil in each basket. The rest we gave to neighborhood children. Another year we included pocket-sized hymnbooks among the Easter treats. Many options are available to help your family focus on the true purpose of celebrating Easter.
Julie Eichler, “Easter Baskets with Blessings,” Ensign, Apr. 2009, 70

Enjoy the journey - as it will be sooner then you think - that your babies will be all grown up!


  1. I never will look forward to this day.. I feel for you Sondra.

    I'm telling you.. If you can spare the dollar bills.. Jason would join in too!! Get your camera!

    It was so fun and memorable.. If you do it... make it a surprise.. Don't tell. It's WAY funner!

    I really want the Mo tab ( consider the Lilies ) for Easter. I hear it's one of the best CD's by Mo-tab. So that's what I want in my basket! :)

    I'm anxious to hear what happens!
    Happy Easter!!

  2. I was thinking.. you could also hide about 40 plastic eggs (empty) and then tell the boys whoever finds the most gets the reward.. $!

    That would get them moving quickly also! He-he!

  3. Sondra, I feel for ya! Um...I'm 23 and still get a basket. Nothing major of course but my aunt who took over as mom number two just puts little stuff like my favorite magazine and gum and maybe a cd.

    I, inreturn do one for her! I just finished writing this huge thing on Ann's --small venting--how my friend with 4 small children dosent do anything for easter.
    I was heartbroken and just couldnt imagine growing up with no tradition what so ever on easter!

    Also, my family does the eggs with money. My grandmother started it LONG ago and so when your little till ten you get to hunt easter eggs at nannies house with cmall change and dollar bills. We have one big egg that everyone always goes for and it has a 5 dollar bill. We have a huge family so everyone brings like 4 dollars in change to contribute. After your ten you get to hide the eggs.

    Now look I'm 23 and the thrill to hide is still there. And i love watching all the new little ones hunt eggs!

    Maybe you cna make a smaller sixe basket with just a few things he likes besides candy. I know I love mine and I still do easter dresses or well...easter outfits LOL

    But, then again, I'm a girl and loves tradition!

    Happy Easter though and have a wonderful weekend!!!

  4. Okay, i cant spell LOL...typing WAY too fast! Sorry! And gave you a mini novel-- haha!

  5. How sad - I think that the spiritual stuff might be a great idea; thanks (since I haven't gotten that far in the Ensign this month.)

  6. Oh so sad!!

    Trent informed me a couple weeks ago that he knows there is no Easter bunny or Santa but he still wants an Easter Basket! I think he was a little worried after he declared his knowledge because he asked me last night if he would get an Easter Basket! ha ha

    I've done money in the Easter Eggs for years to satisfy all the kids, since I have them so spread out in age. Brady would probably enjoy that!

    Have a Great weekend!
